Legacy remote agent installation guide

If you have implemented your own remote agent service wrapper or have problems with the service wrapper used by the remote agent supervisor in Bamboo, you can install the legacy remote agent (pre-Bamboo 2.2) which does not have a service wrapper.


  • Ensure that you have Java Runtime Environment 5.0 or later installed on the agent machine.

Step 1. Download and install the Legacy Remote Agent

  1. Create a directory on the agent machine (e.g. bamboo-agent-home), to serve as the Bamboo agent home for the remote agent.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select
    Administration bamboo administration icon
    > Overview.
  3. Under Build resources, select Agents.
  4. On the Agents summary page, Select Install remote agent.
  5. Select bamboo-agent-.jar under the Running the agents without the service wrapper section and save the JAR file to the directory you created in step 1.1.

(info) Note that if you configure the capabilities of the remote agent using a bamboo-capabilities.properties file, that file should be located in the same directory as the JAR file (that is, bamboo-agent-home in the above instructions).

Step 2. Launch the Remote Agent

Once installed, you can run the remote agent by executing the command line obtained in the previous step. This command will look something like the following:

java -jar bamboo-agent-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar http://bamboo-host-server:8085/agentServer/

You may wish to configure the remote agent machine to start the Bamboo remote agent automatically when the machine boots. Please consult your operating system documentation for instructions on how to do this.

You can also choose to run the remote agent with different command line parameters, to change where the remote agent stores its data or suppress the self-signed certificate of the server.

Changing where the remote agent stores its data

By default, the remote agent will store its data in a directory called bamboo-agent-home. If you wish to specify a different directory, add the following command line parameter:


where RemoteAgentHome is the path to the Bamboo agent home directory you created in step 1.1.

Your command line will look something like this:

java -Dbamboo.home=RemoteAgentHome -jar bamboo-agent-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar http://bamboo-host-server:8085/agentServer/

Suppressing the self-signed certificate of the server

If your Bamboo server uses SSL (https) with a self-signed certificate, you will need to carry out one of the following two options:

  • Add the parameter -Dbamboo.agent.ignoreServerCertName=true to the remote agent's command line, for example:
    java -Dbamboo.agent.ignoreServerCertName=true -jar bamboo-agent-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar http://bamboo-host-server:8085/agentServer/
    Please be aware that this reduces the security of your configuration, as the identity of your Bamboo server will not be authenticated by the remote agent.
  • Use the keytool utility to add the self-signed certificate to the trusted certificates in your keystore. This is a more secure option, but is complex to set up. For detailed instructions of how to do this, please refer to the relevant Oracle documentation.

Step 3. Configure the Remote Agent's Capabilities

Please see Configuring capabilities.

最終更新日: 2023 年 10 月 9 日


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