Bamboo 5.8 Release Notes


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


2015 年 3 月 17 日 

The Atlassian Bamboo team are excited to release Bamboo 5.8.

If you are upgrading, please read the Bamboo upgrade guide.

The Bamboo 5.8 changelog is at the bottom of this page.

Bamboo 5.8.0 has this known issue  BAM-15728 - Getting issue details... STATUS , which we have fixed in Bamboo 5.8.1.

ビルドとデプロイで Docker を使用する

Bamboo のビルドとデプロイに Docker のサポートを追加したため、直接 Bamboo からイメージを作成してコンテナを実行できるようになりました。Bamboo で Docker タスクを設定するだけで、次のアクションを実行できます。

  • Docker イメージをビルドする
  • Docker コンテナを実行する
  • Docker リポジトリを Docker レジストリにプッシュする

Read more about using the Docker task in Bamboo...


AWS との統合を改善

We've now made the public Atlassian elastic images for Bamboo available in all Amazon Web Services regions.

Ubuntu Bamboo エラスティック イメージはすべてのリージョンで利用可能ですが、米国東部リージョンでは Amazon Linux と Windows の各イメージも提供しています。

Furthermore, Elastic Bamboo has improved scaling by switching automatically between Availability Zones to start agents if there are no resources available in a particular zone.


Bamboo 分析

We announce that we collect Bamboo usage data automatically. The data we collect includes information about the features you use in Bamboo – see our Privacy Policy for details. You can disable analytics collection if you wish.

Java 8 のサポート

Bamboo now supports Java 8, the latest version of Java. See Supported platforms.

Deprecated support for Java 1.7

Support for Java 7 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Bamboo. See End of support announcements for Bamboo.

Deprecated support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008

Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Bamboo. See End of support announcements for Bamboo.

Deprecated support for MySQL 5.1

Support for MySQL 5.1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Bamboo. See End of support announcements for Bamboo.

Deprecated support for PostgreSQL 8

Support for PostgreSQL 8 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Bamboo. See End of support announcements for Bamboo.



This section will contain information about the Bamboo 5.8 bugfix releases as they become available. These releases will be free to all customers with active Bamboo software maintenance.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Bamboo, please read the Bamboo upgrade guide.

The issues listed below are the highlights of all those that have been resolved for the Bamboo 5.8.x releases.

15 October 2015 - Bamboo 5.8.5

In this release, we’re introducing timestamp and executable bit preservation. We’ve also improved the artifact publish and retrieve performance. 

Note: If your builds rely on the timestamps not being preserved, you may need to adjust them accordingly.

This release contains a security fix. For more information, see Bamboo Security Advisory 2015-10-21.


T キー 要約

19 June 2015 - Bamboo 5.8.2

T キー 要約

18 March 2015 - Bamboo 5.8.1

T キー 要約


17 March 2015 - Bamboo 5.8.0

T キー 要約


最終更新日: 2015 年 10 月 21 日


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