
Make sure that your team is working on the right requests at the right time with easily configurable queues. A queue is a filtered set of issues that are displayed to your team. Use your project's default queues or create custom queues to save time triaging requests, and to give your agents more visibility of the number and type of incoming customer requests they need to work on.


You can set up queues on the aptly named Queues page in your service project:


新しいキューの作成時に、サービス チームの作業を容易にするために、キュー名、フィルタリングされてこのキューに入れられる課題、キューに表示される列を選択できます。以下に新しいキューの作成方法を示します。 

  1. From your service project sidebar, select Queues > New queue
  2. チーム内で通じる言葉を使用してキューに名前 (今週の課題など) を付けます。 
  3. Select which issues will show up in this queue using the dropdown options in the Basic search view: 
    You can also select the advanced search view to enter a Jira Query Language (JQL) statement. 
  4. 列を追加または削除して、課題キーや課題の作成日など、キューに表示される課題情報の内容を制御します。
  5. Select Create. If you have existing issues in your project that fit the criteria selected in "Issues to show", these issues will now appear in your new queue. 

You can create 50 queues per project. If you need more, see if you can combine queues, or remove ones you don't use anymore.


You can reorder queues in the sidebar by dragging and dropping them. You can delete queues from the sidebar by hovering over the entry and selecting the X that appears.

If you've closed the queue sidebar, you can manage queues by selecting Switch queues Manage queues. To reopen the sidebar, select Switch queues Keep menu open.

You can edit existing queues by selecting the queue you wish to configure and selecting Edit queue in the top right corner. You can edit the queue name, the issues shown, the columns, and column order. Note that you will see a live preview of the updated issues that appear in this queue as you configure it. 


キューでは、エージェントにチーム全体で完了する必要がある作業の単一ビューを提供します。エージェントはサービス プロジェクトにあるすべてのキューを表示できますが、キューを作成または編集できません。 

最終更新日 2020 年 11 月 9 日


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