Confluence 2.6 リリース ノート
The Atlassian Confluence team is delighted to present Confluence 2.6.
Confluence 2.6 brings many popular features which save you time and improve the your wiki's usability. Upgrading to Confluence 2.6 is free for all customers with active Confluence software maintenance as at 27th September 2007.新しいテーマによって、新鮮でクリーンなルック アンド フィールが得られます。これは、より親しみやすいインターフェイスと読みやすさの向上を求めているお客様のためのものです。お客様の Wiki における帰属意識を高めるために、より多くのソーシャル ネットワーキング機能が導入されています。たとえば、作成者の写真がコメントやダッシュボードの [Recent Updates (最近の更新)] に表示されるようになりました。Social Bookmarking プラグインが Confluence に付属しており、チームとブックマークを共有できるようになりました。
その他の一般的な新機能には、スペースのデフォルト コンテンツ、テンプレートのラベル、ニュース アイテム (ブログ投稿) を遡るまたはその名前を変更する機能、公式 MySQL 5.0 サポート、画像の PDF エクスポートなどがあります。
- Many thanks for your issues and votes. They help us keep improving our products.
- We've highlighted the main features of this release below.
Attached is a full list of issues resolved in 2.6.
Confluence 2.6 へのアップグレード
- Upgrading Confluence should be fairly straightforward. Please refer to the upgrade instructions and notes . We strongly recommend that you back up your
directory and database before upgrading! - すべての下書きページは、アップグレード プロセス中に破棄されます。Confluence 管理者は Confluence サイトのユーザーに対して、下書きがアップグレード後に残らないことを警告する必要があります。
- If you are using any third-party plugins, please test them thoroughly before rolling 2.6 into production.
- Upgrading Confluence should be fairly straightforward. Please refer to the upgrade instructions and notes . We strongly recommend that you back up your
Responding to your feedback:
5 new feature requests implemented
275 votes satisfied
Highlights of this release:
Highlights of Confluence 2.6
デフォルト テーマの新しい外観
- Default font now Arial instead of Verdana.
- Fresh, clean look and feel - these release notes are an example of the new style.
- If you prefer the original Confluence look and feel, select the Confluence Classic Theme when creating a space.
- Improved layouts for email and RSS feeds, helping you to skim-read and classify information quickly.
- In the new themes (Confluence Default and Clickr), comments now include the user's profile picture. (See screenshot above.)
- 'Recently Updated' section on Dashboard includes profile picture and a summary of the change.
- List of spaces on the Dashboard now includes a short description of the space.
- You can include labels when adding a page template.
- New pages based on the template will automatically include the labels.
スペース ホーム ページのデフォルト コンテンツ
- Confluence site administrators can define default content for a space.
- Home page for newly-added spaces will include the default content.
ソーシャル ブックマーク プラグインが Confluence に同梱
- Use Confluence to share bookmarks with your team.
- Plugin will be enabled by default.
- You can create a bookmark for any space in which you have 'create page' permission.
- To view your bookmarks, go to the 'Bookmarks' tab under 'Browse Space'.
- Drag the bookmarklet from the 'Bookmarks' tab onto your browser toolbar to create bookmarks any time.
- Use the bookmarks macro to display a list of bookmarks anywhere in Confluence.
- Subscribe to an RSS feed for your bookmarks.
- Rename a news item at any time.
- When creating a news item, you can now set the posting date to earlier than today.
- Backdating is also supported by the RPC interface - useful for migrating blog posts from other systems.
Plus over 90 other fixes and improvements
- MySQL 5.0 is officially supported, when used with Confluence 2.5 and above.
- Images generated by macro plugins will now export to PDF, .doc and .html formats.
- For plugin developers, the Joda-time library has been upgraded from 0.98 to 1.4 in Confluence 2.6. Plugins that use the date formatting or parsing functionality of Joda-time will need to be recompiled to work with Confluence 2.6.
- Administrators can configure a non-standard port for the Confluence outgoing mail server. The host address can now be specified as hostname:port.
- Improved user migration when integrating with LDAP: If you have existing Confluence users with the same usernames as LDAP users, you can now avoid duplicate users by configuring the LDAP repository before running the migration. The migration will then ignore users who have the same username as an LDAP user.
Special thanks
オープン ソース プラグイン ライブラリへの貢献を通して、このバージョンの Confluence のさらなる強化にご協力いただいた貴重なコミュニティ メンバーの方々に感謝申し上げます。
- BloggingRPC プラグイン、Contributors プラグイン、Social Bookmarking プラグインの Shannon Krebs。
- David Peterson and Bob Swift for the Chart Plugin.
- David Peterson for the IM Presence Plugin, and the Table of Contents plugin.
- Dan Hardiker & Adaptavist for the Plugin Repository Client.
The Confluence 2.6 team
Paul Curren
Tom Davies
Matthew Jensen
Anatoli Kazatchkov
Samuel Le Berrigaud
David Loeng
Charles Miller
Christopher Owen
Agnes Ro
Matt Ryall
Don Willis
Jason Taylor
Stephen Russell
Technical Writing
Rosie Jameson
Sarah Maddox
Oversight & Mismanagement
Mike Cannon-Brookes
Scott Farquhar
Soren Harner
Per Fragemann