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本番環境での実施の前に一通り非本番環境で検証し、成功しなかった場合にはサポートされている代替案にフォール バックしてください。

また、アトラシアン サポートのサポート対象外のご質問の場合には、Community もご活用ください。

What is JAGS

JAGS is an internal tool developed and used by Atlassian Support to visualize data from a Support Zip file.

JAGS runs using Docker Compose and is built on top of Open Source tools:

JAGS is able to parse Support Zip files from the following Data Center products:

Here's an example of a few built-in dashboards available after starting JAGS stack.



The primary use for JAGS is when Support Engineers are investigating a performance problem with Data Center products and Support Zip files are available.

The built-in Grafana dashboards help identifying areas of interest for further investigation.

JAGS is not a replacement to standard observability stack, but may be helpful when one is not available. It may also be useful to have an idea of possible dashboards to be built on top of your stack, based on what support engineers usually rely on.

JAGS was designed as a disposable stack, meaning it can be completely removed (containers and data) after one finishes analyzing the data.

How to run

Below is a step-by-step procedure to run JAGS stack on a computer (your own computer or a server).

Check here a sample video while running these steps


Make sure Docker Engine and Docker Compose are installed and running.

Many processes on JAGS rely on multi-threaded tasks, so make sure to give a reasonable amount of resources available to the Docker Engine.


Create a directory to hold the JAGS source-code and data to be used by the containers.

cd ~
mkdir jira-investigation

Download the Support Zip files you want to inspect and place them in the directory you created.

The structure of the Support Zip file is important to JAGS, so you are recommended to not make any changes to the file name nor its internal directory structure.

4Download JAGS source code from here and unzip it within the directory you created on a previous step.

Expand to download JAGS...


JAGS is continuously under development.

The available file was last updated on .

To download this file through curl
curl -v -k -L \
  'https://confluence.atlassian.com/download/attachments/1456180211/jags.zip?api=v2&download=true' \
  -o jags.zip

After uncompressing the file you may have a directory structure as below.


Create additional needed directories and apply read and write permissions to the jags directory.

mkdir ./jags/postgresdata ./jags/grafanadata
sudo chmod -R o+rw ./jags

Copy or move the target Support Zip files to the jags/SupportZip directory.

If copying all the files within the current folder
cp *_support_*.zip ./jags/SupportZip/

Start the stack.

cd ./jags
docker-compose -f stack.yml up

The only port exposed by the stack is 3333 to access Grafana.

The above command will stream the stack logs to the terminal.

Expand if you don't want to start the stack on interactive mode
cd jags
docker-compose -f stack.yml up -d

To see logs:

cd jags
docker compose -f stack.yml logs --follow

Give it 5~10 minutes to process the Support Zip files.

The time to complete may change depending on:

  • The number of Support Zip files.
  • The number and size of log files on each Support Zip.
  • The resources (RAM and vCPU) available to the Docker Engine.


Access Grafana through the link below.

Running on local computer
Running on remote computer

To stop the stack:

  • control + c  – if you started in interactive mode.
  • cd jags; docker compose -f stack.yml stop  – if you started on detached mode.


Data cleanup.

If you know you won’t use JAGS data anymore, simply remove the jags directory and all related data is gone.


本番環境での実施の前に一通り非本番環境で検証し、成功しなかった場合にはサポートされている代替案にフォール バックしてください。

また、アトラシアン サポートのサポート対象外のご質問の場合には、Community もご活用ください。

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 10 日


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