

Different organizations use Jira to track different kinds of issues, which can represent anything from a software bug, to a project task, or a leave request form. In Jira Service Management, customer requests are automatically triaged into queues, so you can easily find the issues you need to work on. If you are ready to jump in and learn more about working on and managing customer issues, you're in the right place.In Jira Software, issues help you manage code, estimate workload, and keep track of your team.Need help working with issues? Jira Work Management lets you create issues quickly, assign them to the right person, and get working on them right away. On this page, you'll find a quick overview of everything you can do with an issue, as well as links to pages with more detail.  

Boards can display up to 5,000 issues at a time. If your board is trying to display more than 5,000 issues at once, you'll receive an error message, and be prompted to update your filters.

In Jira Service Management, an issue is a packet of work that agents work on. In an IT service project, it represents an incident, a change, and a service request, etc. For example, a customer request of "Our printer is not working" appears as follows in the customer portal:

As an agent, you will pick the issue up internally in the service project to work on and it will look like the following:

課題はすべての Jira プロジェクトの構成単位です。ストーリー、バグ、またはプロジェクトに含まれるその他のタイプのタスクが、課題として表されます。

tip/resting Created with Sketch.
  • プロジェクト管理者は、••• > [設定] を選択して、課題ビューのフィールドのレイアウトを変更できます。
  • You can see related commits, builds, and pull requests to help you evaluate the development status of your issue. See Viewing the development information for an issue

In Jira Work Management, an issue is essentially a packet of work. It could be a small task, like "Remember to order pizza for charity night", or a large chunk of hard work like "Build bridging wall between house and garage." It depends on your project, and how you and your team decide to break down your work into issues.




課題キーは、Jira で追跡されるすべての作業の一意な識別子です。これは認識しやすく、簡単に覚えることができます。


  • 課題自体 (ラベルとして)
  • 検索結果および保存済みフィルター
  • ボード上のカードやプロジェクトのバックログ
  • 作業を接続しているリンク
  • 課題の URL
  • 追跡している作業を参照する必要があるすべての場所

課題キーは、次の 2 つで構成されます。

  1. プロジェクト キー (上記のスクリーンショットの SMART)
  2. 連番

プロジェクト キー

プロジェクト キーは、プロジェクトに関連する特定の作業を Jira サイト全体でユーザーに対して説明するための英数字の文字列です。プロジェクト キーは、最も覚えやすく認識しやすい課題の識別子です。たとえばチームのコードネームが Donut World だとします。プロジェクト キー "DONUT" を使用することで、アトラシアン全体のユーザーが、そのチームに関連する作業を把握および認識しやすくなります。

Project admins can create and assign their project's key when they create a new project. Based on the project's name, Jira suggests a recognizable key. If you're a project admin, you can customize this while creating a project by selecting Advanced options. You can also update it in the project's settings. They must be at least 2 characters long and start with an uppercase letter. Read more about editing a project's details.Read more about editing a project's details.Read more about editing a project's details.


管理者権限がある場合は、課題の設定、新しい課題タイプの作成、カスタム フィールドの管理などを行えます。 

最終更新日 2024 年 8 月 19 日


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