
After configuring the issue filters and view settings of a plan, you can save these settings as a view of the plan. This lets you organize how you want to view your work, and then save that view for you and relevant audiences to use. You can save as many views of a plan as needed, and switch between one view to another.

While configuring the saved views of a plan, you can perform the following actions:

  • プランのすべての保存済みビューを表示する

  • Make a specific saved view the default view for the plan

  • プランから保存済みビューを削除する

To configure the saved views of a plan, do one of the following:

  • In your plan, click settings () > Configure > Saved views.

  • In the upper-right section of your plan, click the saved views drop-down > Manage views.

This will open the Saved views window of your plan settings, as shown below.

  1. List of available views of the plan: This is comprised of the preset views that come with a plan, and any new views that have been saved. For each saved view, you’ll see the user who created it, the user who last updated it, and when the view was last updated. Note the following for preset views:

    • Since preset views come with a plan by default, they won't have any creator in this list of views.

    • Preset views won't have an 'update state' until a user makes a changes to them, and saves the changes made in the view.
  2. The current view of the plan: This is the view of a plan that’s being used by a user at the moment, and is labelled with (current). The current view is user-specific, which both Alana and Will may have different current views of the same plan.

  3. The delete action for each view: You can delete any of the views at any time; however, you can’t delete a view that’s been set as the default view for the plan. You’ll need to set another view as default first, and then delete that view.

  4. The default view for the plan: For any user who accesses the plan for the first time, the issues will be displayed according to the configured settings of the default view that’s been configured for the plan.

  • For each saved and preset view, you’ll see the user who last updated the view, and the time and date when the view was last updated.

If a view has been edited in any way, it will display the EDITED lozenge, which means the changes made in that view are not saved yet. Learn more at Working with saved views.

最終更新日 2020 年 6 月 3 日


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