
Integrating collaboration tools with JIRA Software can help you plan and run your project more efficiently. Connect to HipChat (group and private chat), Confluence (wiki), or Team Calendars for Confluence to get issue notifications in your chat rooms, link project documentation to stories and epics, centralize your team leave, and more.

Connecting JIRA Software to your collaboration tools

Follow the instructions on Integrating with collaboration tools (JIRA Admin documentation) to connect JIRA Software to Confluence and/or HipChat.


  • You need to be a JIRA administrator to connect JIRA Software to Confluence. You will need to be an administrator for Confluence as well. 
  • JIRAのプロジェクトとHipChatのルームを接続するにはJIRA管理者、もしくはプロジェクト管理者である必要があります。


If you have JIRA Software, HipChatConfluence, and Team Calendars for Confluenceyou can use them together to build stronger user stories and better plans for sprints or releases, while streamlining your team's work. Create meeting notes on the fly, wrap up a sprint with a retrospective report, and more.

Here are some of the features that you'll unlock by integrating JIRA Software and Confluence. For a full feature overview, see Using JIRA applications with HipChat and Using JIRA applications with Confluence.


If you have linked your JIRA Software instance to a Confluence instance, you can create and link Confluence pages to your epics. For example, you may want to link your epic to a specification or design document in Confluence.



Team Calendars for Confluence は、チームの休暇を管理し、プロジェクトをトラッキングし、イベントを計画するために唯一信頼できる情報源として機能します。 Team Calendars が Confluence にインストールされている場合、休暇やイベントを避けてスプリントを計画するのは、さらに簡単です。Confluence のチームカレンダーにスプリントイベントを追加すれば、スプリントを計画する際、チームの休暇やイベントが作業に影響を与えないか、確認することができます。



If you have linked your JIRA instance to a Confluence instance, you can create and link Confluence pages to your sprints via JIRA Software. For example, you may want to write up the sprint meeting notes in Confluence and link them to the sprint. You may also want to write your team's retrospective notes in Confluence and link them to the Sprint Report for the completed sprint.





The release is underway. Provide your stakeholders with updates on how the release is going, by creating JIRA Software status reports in Confluence. The JIRA Software status report provides a snapshot of the release at a point in time. Stakeholders can monitor progress, even if they don't have access to JIRA Software



(info) Need help? If you can't find the answer you need in our documentation, we have other resources available to help you. See Getting help.

最終更新日 2016 年 8 月 8 日


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