Need help working with issues? In JIRA Software, you can create issues, estimate issues, even manage your code via issues. On this page, you'll find a quick overview for everything that you can do with an issue, such as creating issues, updating issues with estimates, creating branches in your source repository that reference the relevant issues in JIRA Software, viewing development work for issues, resolving issues, as well as links to pages with more detail.This page introduces you to the concept of an issue. You can then learn more about creating, editing, and collaborating issues in the Next steps section.
さまざまな組織が Jira を利用して、ソフトウェア バグ、プロジェクト タスク、休暇リクエスト フォームなどの異なる種類の課題を追跡します。
Issues are the building blocks of any JIRA project. An issue could represent a story, a bug, a task, etc in your project. This is what an issue looks like in JIRA Software:
ボード上(スクラム プロジェクト - バックログ)