Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
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Plan mode is where you plan your sprints. When a sprint is ready to begin, click Start Sprint to move it into Work mode.

(info) Plan mode is only available for Scrum boards.

To access a board in Plan mode:

  1. JIRAにログインします。
  2. 上部ナビゲーションバーで Agile リンクの下矢印をクリックし、表示されるドロップダウンメニューから目的のボードを選択します。

  3. ボードが表示されます。計画をクリックします。

Screenshot: a Scrum board in 'Plan' mode (click to enlarge)

In Plan mode you can:

  • Prioritise the Backlog — Create issues for your backlog, rank and estimate them, and drag-and-drop to add them to a sprint.
    (info) Right-click selected issues (in GreenHopper 6.1.2 and later)  to add them to a sprint, send them to the top/bottom of the backlog, view them in the JIRA Issue Navigator or perform Bulk Operations.
  • Estimate Stories — You can use the 'J' and 'K' keys to move through issues in the backlog and get details on the right-hand side of the screen. Plug in your estimates or story points as you go.
    (info) Note that, by default, the Story Points field is only available to issues of type 'Story' or 'Epic' — you can change this as described in GreenHopper JIRA Configuration.
  • Create Sub-Tasks — To break a story (issue) down into implementable chunks, go to the sub-task tab (click the folder icon) to view and create sub-tasks.
  • Organise via Epics — Group related stories into an epic. Click an epic (in the leftmost panel) to view only the stories that belong to that epic.
  • Plan Versions — Assign issues to upcoming versions. (To do this, you need your administrator to enable Release Planning in GreenHopper Labs.)
  • Plan, and Plan Again — When you're happy with the stories for the iteration, start a sprint and the stories will move into Work mode. While a sprint is active in Work mode, you can still plan subsequent iterations in Plan mode (click Add Sprint), but you won't be able to start them until the active iteration is completed. (You can, however, drag and drop an issue in Plan mode onto the active sprint.) Note that you can only start (or complete) a sprint if you have 'Administer Projects' permission for all projects that match the board's filter.

An issue will only be visible in Plan mode if:

  • 課題がボードの保存済みフィルターに一致していること(フィルターの設定を参照 )
  • the issue's status maps to one of the board's columns (but not the 'Done' column).

Screenshot: right-clicking an issue in 'Plan' mode


A Quick Filter refines the collection of issues displayed on your board. Quick Filters appear immediately below the board name in Work mode and Plan mode. Click a Quick Filter to apply it (click it again to turn it off). 

既定では、ボードには 2 つのクイックフィルターが組み込まれています:

  • 自分の課題のみ - 自分に割り当てられた課題のみ表示します。
  • 最近更新された課題 - 過去 24 時間内に更新された課題を表示します。

(info) If any custom Quick Filters have been configured for your board, they will appear next to Only My Issues and Recently Updated.

The Filter icon  indicates that one or more Quick Filters is currently applied (click the icon to turn them all off).