Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
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On the final day of the sprint the team will complete the sprint — this will usually occur immediately prior to the sprint demo and retrospective. Any issues not completed at the end of the sprint will be returned to the backlog (or to the next planned sprint, if you have one) as they did not meet the team's definition of "Done".
To end the active sprint,
function. For details, please see the JIRA JQL documentation.Screenshot 1: Completing a Sprint
Many Scrum teams don't release a version at the end of a sprint, but if you need to, it's easy to do. In the Completed Issues section of the Sprint Report, just click View in Issue Navigator. You can then use JIRA's Bulk Edit to assign all of the issues to the relevant version (for details, please see the JIRA documentation on Bulk Operations). Note that you will not be able to do this if your "Done" column sets an issue's status to "Closed", as issues are not editable once they are "Closed" (but "Resolved" is fine). Also note you can only Bulk Edit the "Fix Version" for issues from one project at a time.