Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
GreenHopper Labs enables our customers to test some exciting new functionality within GreenHopper, giving you a sneak preview of new features coming in future releases of GreenHopper.
Please note that Labs features represent work-in-progress. They may be incomplete, or may change before being incorporated into the product (some Labs features may never be incorporated into the product). We try to keep Labs features stable, but please note that we cannot guarantee that data used while evaluating a Labs feature will be completely intact.
On this page:
複数のアクティブな並行スプリントを有効にするには、並行スプリントをオンにします。たとえば、2 つのチームが同じバックログから作業している場合、各チームは自分たちのスプリントで作業できるようになりました。
Turn on Analytics to share your usage of GreenHopper with the GreenHopper development team. This provides us with insight into what features are being used, where customers are encountering difficulties, and where we should be focusing our time and energy.
(Introduced in 6.1.4)
Turn on Release Planning to make the Versions panel available in Plan mode, enabling you to assign issues to versions.