Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
Rankings allow you to prioritise issues at a more granular level than issue priorities in JIRA, as rankings can help you to determine whether a single issue is more important/urgent than another single issue. For example, you may have two separate issues which both have a priority of 'Major'. Using GreenHopper ranking, you can assign one of the issues a higher ranking than the other.
Plan mode is only available for Scrum boards.
On this page:
You can also use Keyboard Shortcuts 's' + 'b' to move an issue to the bottom of its current column, or 's' + 't' to move it to the top.
Screenshot 1: Dragging and Dropping an Issue in the Backlog (in Plan mode)
Screenshot 2: Right-clicking select Issues to send them to the Top/Bottom of the Backlog (in Plan mode)
Screenshot 3: Dragging and Dropping an Issue within a Column (in Work mode)