Universal Plugin Manager を使用する
The app management experience will now have a new home within Administration. The current in-product experience via the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) will be progressively deprecated by Febuary 2025. However, you will not be affected if you are using the Data Center or Server version of UPM.
Please review our detailed announcement and take any necessary action. You can access and manage your apps in Administration by visiting the Connected Apps section. This can also be accessed through Apps > Manage your apps within the product.
Once you have verified your version of the Universal Plugin Manager, read the topics below for instructions on how to use it.
- 新しい Marketplace アプリを見つける
- Marketplace アプリのインストール
- アプリの設定
- インストール済みのアプリの確認
- 通知の管理
- アプリの更新
- アプリの無効化と有効化
- アプリのアンインストール
- 互換性を持たないアドオンの管理
- 監査ログの表示
- Atlassian Connect app scopes
- アプリケーション更新に伴うアプリの互換性を確認する
- Marketplace アプリのユーザー リクエストの管理
- Configuring UPM app signature check
- Updating Atlassian Certificates Bundles
- Generating app signature and verification certificate using OpenSSL
- App signing troubleshooting