Jira 8.11 への準備

This documentation is intended for Jira developers who want to ensure that their existing apps are compatible with Jira 8.11. 



ここでは最新の EAP についての情報をご案内します。

アプリケーション / 日付

EAP 番号

バージョン (Maven)


Jira Core/Software





Source files (Core)

Source files (Software)

Jira Service Desk





ソース ファイル


In this section we'll provide an overview of the changes we intend to make in Jira 8.11, so you can start thinking how it might impact your apps. Once they're ready, we'll indicate when a change has been implemented, and in which milestone. 

Configure how fast stale nodes are moved offline DATA CENTER

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

In Jira 8.10 we made it possible for stale nodes to be automatically moved offline after two days of reporting no heartbeat. Now, you will be able to configure this timeframe and move stale nodes offline even after 3 hours by modifying the jira.not.alive.active.nodes.retention.period.in.hours system property.


Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

To help you add issues to the correct sprint when creating or editing an issue, we are enabling an admin option to restrict the sprint selection (available in the Sprint drop-down) only to the sprints belonging to the project users select. This way, we want to limit the possibility of linking issues to the wrong sprint. 

With this feature, we've also changed the logic of the /picker API endpoint that is responsible for returning sprint suggestions. Now it's got an additional nullable parameter called “project”. The parameter is sent when the feature is on and Show All is inactive and returns filtered suggestions. Otherwise all sprints suggestions are returned.

Detail view optional

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

Whenever a card is clicked on a board a new view is opened showing details about an issue. Now, we want to make the Detail view opening an option you can save per board as your user preference. If you decide to keep the view closed, you'll be able to select issues without the details pop-up opening. 

To hide detail view, open your board and select Board > Hide detail view.

New events in the Advanced audit log DATA CENTER

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

We've added 4 new events to the Advanced audit log (General configuration and administration / Fields / Level: Advanced) that help you track issue statuses (Status deleted, Status created, Status order changed, Status updated).

埋め込みの Crowd のアップグレード

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

Embedded Crowd is a library used in Jira for user management—all functions related to users and groups rely on it. The current version in Jira is 2.x, and we’re upgrading it to 4.0. Some of the benefits of this new version are:

  • パフォーマンスの改善 (同期時間の改善)

  • クラスタリングのサポート

  • ディレクトリ フェイルオーバーの改善

  • 修正されたバグの数

This change might affect apps related to user management, so make sure to test your app with the EAP.


Public API changes

We’re only removing one API that has already been deprecated:

  • ApplicationService#searchUsersAllowingDuplicateNames

Internal API changes

We’re changing return type for this method:

  • com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.impl.ImmutableUser.Builder#toUser()

Public issues

Here’s a list of public issues that we’re expecting to be resolved with the Embedded Crowd upgrade:

キー 要約 T 作成日 更新日 期限 担当者 報告者 P ステータス ソリューション



In Jira 8.11, we’re giving Jira admins the power to edit and delete private filters and dashboards. Admins can view and search for all existing filters and dashboards from the administration area.

  • To view filters, go to Administration > System > Filters.

  • To view dashboards, go to Administration > System > Dashboards.

These pages already existed (Shared filters/dashboards), but until now they only included filters that were shared by their owners. Now, it will also include private filters/dashboards.

After clicking the filter/dashboard name, you can navigate to it and modify it just like its owner—improve the JQL or gadgets' settings, share permissions, and more.

With this feature, admins should get full control over obsolete and incorrect filters and dashboards, and can help their users settings things right.

Setting max timeout for the Favorite Filters gadget

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

We’ve added a new global setting that allows Jira admins to set the max timeout for the Favorite Filters gadget. This gadget is quite popular, and displays a list of filters and the number of issues each of them contains. For large filters, counting and showing the issues might affect Jira performance, so this setting is a fail-safe to make sure everything works right.

You can set it by going to Administration > System > General configuration. The default value is 5000 ms. If you set it to -1, we won’t count and show the issues at all.

Unbundling the Hipchat app

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

As Hipchat reached its End of Life for Server and Data Center, we've unbundled the Jira integration for Hipchat app from Jira. If your plugins rely on some modules provided by this app, they will no longer be available.

MySQL 8 サポート

Status: MOVED TO 8.12 

We're planning to support MySQL 8.

Apache Tomcat のアップグレード

ステータス: 実装済み 

We're upgrading Apache Tomcat from 8.5.50 to 8.5.56. This change will be available in EAP 2.

Providing help in multiple languages JIRA SERVICE DESK

Status: IMPLEMENTED (eap 01)

Jira Service Desk 4.11 will allow you to translate content in the customer portal and help center to provide help to your customers in their preferred language.

You’ll be able to translate your:

  • リクエスト タイプ (名前、説明、フィールド、グループ)

  • ポータル名

  • お知らせ (ログイン、ヘルプ センター、およびポータル)


Adding languages and translations to your service desk

This new feature will be available from project settings, and can be used by project admins. First, you’ll need to add languages to your project:

  1. From your service desk project, go to Project settings > Language support.

  2. Select Add language.

  3. Choose the language and select Add.

New languages won’t come with ready translations, so you’ll need to edit and update them. You can do it by clicking the language in the Language column—we’ll take you to the page with available translations.

Once ready, you can enable a language for your customers—they’ll see your translations in all items you’ve translated.

最終更新日 2020 年 7 月 10 日


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