Fisheye folder layout

By default, Fisheye will create a self-contained instance directory within the <FishEye install directory> – the directory where you unzip the package. The Fisheye instance directory is where your Fisheye data is stored. 

For a production environment, you should not locate your Fisheye instance directory inside the  <FishEye install directory> — they should be entirely separate locations. If you do put the  instance directory in the  <FishEye install directory> it will be overwritten, and lost, when Fisheye gets upgraded. And by the way, you'll need separate Fisheye instance directories if you want to run multiple copies of Fisheye. 

You should create your Fisheye instance directory, and then tell Fisheye where you created it by setting a FISHEYE_INST  environment variable. See Installing Fisheye on Windows and Installing Fisheye on Linux and Mac for information about setting the FISHEYE_INST  environment variable.

Furthermore, we recommend that the instance directory be secured against unauthorized access.

Default Fisheye folder layout

The default Fisheye folder layout includes the Fisheye instance data inside the  <FishEye install directory>. This layout is not recommended for production environments.

<FishEye install directory>/config.xml

Configuration file.

<FishEye install directory>/var/

Directory under which Fisheye stores its data.

<FishEye install directory>/var/data/

Persistent data.

<FishEye install directory>/var/cache/

Caches and indexes.

<FishEye install directory>/var/log/

Log files.

<FishEye install directory>/var/tmp/

Temporary files.

<FishEye install directory>/cache/

Caches and indexes. (and also in <FishEye install directory>/var/cache)

<FishEye install directory>/bin/

Scripts for controling Fisheye.

<FishEye install directory>/lib/

Fisheye's dependent libraries.

<FishEye install directory>/syntax/

Syntax highlighting definitions.

<FishEye install directory>/ ...

Remainder omitted for brevity.


Recommended Fisheye folder layout

The Fisheye folder layout that we recommend for production environments has the Fisheye instance directory, which contains your instance data and is defined by FISHEYE_INST, in a completely separate location from the <FishEye install directory>.


Configuration file.


All persistent and most temporary data.


Caches and indexes (and also in $FISHEYE_INST/var/cache)


Site-specific Java libraries (.jars) that Fisheye should load on startup. (Do not copy the dependent <FishEye install directory>/lib/ files into here.)


Site-specific syntax highlighting definitions.


Used for setting system properties within the Fisheye JVM, which may sometimes be useful for support purposes. (Note: the other way to set properties is using FISHEYE_OPTS, e.g.: export FISHEYE_OPTS=-Dpropname=value )

<FishEye install directory>/lib/

Fisheye's dependent libraries.

<FishEye install directory>/syntax/

Fisheye bundled highlighting definitions.

<FishEye install directory>/bin/


<FishEye install directory>/ ...

Remaining files are found under <FishEye install directory>/.

最終更新日: 2018 年 10 月 25 日


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