FishEye 2.6 Upgrade Guide

Below are some important notes on upgrading to FishEye 2.6. For details of the new features and improvements in this release, please read the FishEye 2.6 Release Notes.

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FishEye 2.6

  • Internet Explorer 7 and Java Platform 5 (JDK/JRE 1.5) no longer supported — As per the End of Support Announcements for Fisheye (published previously), we are no longer supporting Internet Explorer 7 and Java Platform 5 (JDK/JRE 1.5) in this release. See Supported platforms page for the full list of supported platforms for FishEye.
  • Starter License holders who use Git — The inclusion of the user's email address in Git committer names allows committers to be automatically mapped to FishEye users. However, if your repository has the same committer using multiple email addresses in their commits, this change means you will get extra committers (as uniquely identified by the combination of username and email address). This may cause you to exceed the committer limit allowed by your license, which would stop FishEye from indexing your repository. To correct this, you need to rewrite the history of your repository to remove these duplicates, so that each committer has only one unique email address. You can do this using the git-filter-branch command as detailed in this knowledge base article.
  • Set aside additional time for the upgrade — When you upgrade to FishEye 2.6, FishEye will run a number of upgrade tasks and trigger an automatic upgrade of the metadata index. While this is happening, FishEye (and Crucible) can be be accessed, however no new changes in the repositories will be detected until the upgrade is complete. Hence, you should set aside time for these activities to complete. The time taken will depend on the complexity of your code base, as well as the type of repository that you are using. See the following repository-specific notes:


    The upgrade tasks for Subversion repositories will take significantly longer in this release, than in previous releases. In previous releases (e.g. FishEye 2.5), the upgrade tasks only required a short amount of time to complete, relative to the time taken to upgrade the metadata index. In this release, the upgrade tasks and metadata index upgrade take approximately equal amounts of time. Hence, the overall upgrade may take up to twice as long, compared to prior releases. Our Subversion repository for JIRA development, which is quite complex, took about three hours to complete both the upgrade tasks and metadata index upgrade.

    CVS, Perforce, ClearCase

    As per Subversion, the upgrade tasks for CVS and Perforce will take proportionally longer to complete in this release, hence the overall upgrade will take longer. However, the tasks are not as complex as the Subversion upgrade tasks, so you shouldn't notice a dramatic increase in time taken. The upgrade task for ClearCase is not complex at all, so you shouldn't notice a significant increase in time taken for the overall upgrade.

    Git, Mercurial

    The upgrade tasks for Git & Mercurial repositories will not take long to complete, perhaps a few minutes. You will still need to set aside time for the metadata index upgrade though.

    To reduce the time taken for the upgrade tasks, you can configure additional update threads to allow repositories to be upgraded in parallel (otherwise, repositories will be upgraded one at a time). Please ensure that you have the compute capacity to run multiple threads before attempting this.



  • Test your upgrades in your test environment before rolling into production.
  • Back up your entire Fisheye instance (see Backing up and restoring Fisheye data):
    • If you are backing up your Fisheye instance using the Admin interface, tick all of the 'Include' checkboxes (e.g. repository and application caches, plugins and their configuration data, SQL database, etc).
    • If you are backing up your Fisheye instance using the command-line interface, do not use any exclusion options.

If you are already running a version of FishEye, please follow these instructions on FishEye upgrade guide.

Checking for Known Issues and Troubleshooting the FishEye Upgrade

If something is not working correctly after you have completed the steps above to upgrade your FishEye installation, please check for known FishEye issues and try troubleshooting your upgrade as described below:

  • Check for known issues. Sometimes we find out about a problem with the latest version of FishEye after we have released the software. In such cases we publish information about the known issues in the FishEye Knowledge Base. Please check the FishEye 2.6 Known Issues in the FishEye Knowledge Base and follow the instructions to apply any necessary patches if necessary.
  • Did you encounter a problem during the FishEye upgrade? Please refer to the guide to troubleshooting upgrades in the FishEye Knowledge Base.
  • If you encounter a problem during the upgrade and cannot solve it, please create a support ticket and one of our support engineers will help you.


FishEye 2.6 Release Notes

最終更新日 2016 年 5 月 26 日


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