FishEye and Crucible Security Advisory 2011-01-12


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


This advisory announces a number of security vulnerabilities that we have found and fixed in recent versions of FishEye/Crucible. You need to upgrade your existing FishEye/Crucible installations to fix these vulnerabilities. Enterprise Hosted customers should request an upgrade by filing a ticket at JIRA Studio is not vulnerable to any of the issues described in this advisory.

Atlassian is committed to improving product security. The vulnerabilities listed in this advisory have been discovered by Atlassian, unless noted otherwise. The reporter may also have requested that we do not credit them.

このアドバイザリに関してご質問や懸念がある場合は、 でサポート リクエストを起票してください。

In this advisory:

XSS Vulnerabilities


Atlassian rates the severity level of these vulnerabilities as high, according to the scale published in Severity Levels for Security Issues. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.

Risk Assessment

We have identified and fixed a number of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities which may affect FishEye/Crucible instances, including publicly available instances (that is, internet-facing servers). XSS vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own JavaScript into a FishEye/Crucible page. You can read more about XSS attacks at, The Web Application Security Consortium and other places on the web.


The table below describes the FishEye/Crucible versions and the specific functionality affected by the XSS vulnerabilities.

FishEye/Crucible Feature

Affected FishEye/Crucible Versions

Issue Tracking

Crucible review – linked JIRA issue

Crucible 2.0.1 – 2.3.7


Crucible email reviews

Crucible 2.2.0 – 2.4.0


Crucible review reload

Crucible 2.2.0 – 2.4.2


Crucible edit review details screen

Crucible 2.2.0 – 2.3.7


FishEye repository configuration

FishEye 2.4.0


FishEye charts

FishEye 2.2.0 - 2.4.0


FishEye/Crucible code macro

FishEye/Crucible 2.2.0 – 2.4.0


FishEye/Crucible changeset page heading

FishEye/Crucible 2.3.2 – 2.4.0


Risk Mitigation

We recommend that you upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation to fix these vulnerabilities.

Alternatively, if you are not in a position to upgrade immediately and you judge it necessary, you can disable public signup to your instance until you have applied the upgrade. For even tighter control, you could restrict access to trusted groups.


FishEye/Crucible 2.4.4 fixes all of these issues. View the issues linked above for information on earlier fix versions for each issue. For a full description of this release, see the FishEye 2.4 changelog and Crucible 2.4 Changelog. You can download the latest version of FishEye/Crucible from the download centre (FishEye download centre, Crucible download centre).

There are no patches available to fix these vulnerabilities. You must upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation.

Administration password logged in debug log


Atlassian rates the severity level of these vulnerabilities as high, according to the scale published in Severity Levels for Security Issues. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.

Risk Assessment

We have identified and fixed a vulnerability in the FishEye/Crucible logging which may affect FishEye/Crucible instances, including publicly available instances (that is, internet-facing servers). This vulnerability allows administrator passwords to be logged in clear text when debug logging is enabled.


This vulnerability affects FishEye and Crucible 2.2.0 to 2.4.0.

Risk Mitigation

We recommend that you upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation to fix these vulnerabilities.

Alternatively, if you are not in a position to upgrade immediately and you judge it necessary, you can disable access logging. See Enabling Access Logging in FishEye and Enabling Access Logging in Crucible. You can also apply file restrictions to your log files. Note, this issue only occurs when DEBUG logging is turned on (off by default) when an administrator logs in.


FishEye/Crucible 2.4.2 and later fix this issue. For a full description of this release, see the FishEye 2.4 changelog and Crucible 2.4 Changelog. You can download the latest version of FishEye/Crucible from the download centre (FishEye download centre, Crucible download centre).

There are no patches available to fix this vulnerability. You must upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation.

Review comment search returns comments that a user has no permission to view


Atlassian rates the severity level of these vulnerabilities as medium, according to the scale published in Severity Levels for Security Issues. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.

Risk Assessment

We have identified and fixed a vulnerability in the Crucible review comment search which may affect Crucible instances, including publicly available instances (that is, internet-facing servers). This vulnerability allows review comments to be displayed for projects that are not publicly viewable.


This vulnerability affects Crucible 2.2.0 to 2.4.3.

Risk Mitigation

We recommend that you upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation to fix these vulnerabilities.


FishEye/Crucible 2.2.5, 2.3.8 and 2.4.4 fix this issue. For a full description of this release, see the FishEye 2.4 changelog and Crucible 2.4 Changelog. You can download these versions of FishEye/Crucible via the download centre (FishEye download centre, Crucible download centre).

There are no patches available to fix this vulnerability. You must upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation.

Anonymous global access exposes entire user list


Atlassian rates the severity level of these vulnerabilities as medium, according to the scale published in Severity Levels for Security Issues. The scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or low.

Risk Assessment

We have identified and fixed a vulnerability in the FishEye/Crucible anonymous global access which may affect FishEye/Crucible instances, including publicly available instances (that is, internet-facing servers). This vulnerability exposes the user list (usernames and emails) of a FishEye/Crucible instance for access when anonymous global access is enabled.


This vulnerability affects FishEye and Crucible 2.2.0 to 2.4.3.

Risk Mitigation

We recommend that you upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation to fix these vulnerabilities.

Alternatively, if you are not in a position to upgrade immediately and you judge it necessary, you can disable global anonymous access. See Configuring Anonymous Access.


FishEye/Crucible 2.2.6, 2.3.8 and 2.4.4 fix this issue. For a full description of this release, see the FishEye 2.4 changelog and Crucible 2.4 Changelog. You can download these versions of FishEye/Crucible via the download centre (FishEye download centre, Crucible download centre).

There are no patches available to fix this vulnerability. You must upgrade your FishEye/Crucible installation.

最終更新日 2014 年 8 月 12 日


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