Upgrading Fisheye on Windows

If you have previously installed Fisheye or Crucible as a Windows service, you must uninstall the old service before upgrading the service to the new version of Fisheye or Crucible.

Determining the type of Fisheye or Crucible service you have...

The method for uninstalling a Fisheye or Crucible service on Windows depends on how the service was first installed.

Locate the Fisheye or Crucible service in the Services administrative tool on Windows.  

Services installed using the Java service wrapper can be identified by:

  • "Fisheye" is displayed in both the Name and Description columns:

  • When viewing more info about the service, the "Path to executable" field will display a path to a file called "Wrapper.exe":

  • In this case, see the Java Service Wrapper uninstall instructions below.

Installations made using the Atlassian Windows Installer can be identified by:

  • "Atlassian Fisheye" or "Atlassian Crucible" is displayed as the service name, and "Atlassian Fisheye Crucible Server" as the description in the Services administrative tool:


  • When viewing more info about the service, the "Path to executable" field will specify a path to either "fecru32.exe" or "fecru64.exe", depending on the architecture of your Windows version:

  • In this case, see the Windows Installer uninstall instructions below.
Uninstalling a Fisheye or Crucible service that uses the Java Service wrapper (Fisheye/Crucible 3.3 and earlier)...
  1. Ensure the service is stopped and disabled. Select the service in the service list:

    1. If the service is running, stop the service.
    2. Once the service is stopped, set the Startup type to Disabled and click Apply.
  2. Navigate to the service wrapper bin directory. This is the directory that contains the Wrapper.exe file specified in the "Path to service" in the service information dialog. In the example above, this is C:\fecru-2.8.0-m6\wrapper\bin.
  3. Execute the Fisheye-Uninstall-NTService.bat file in this directory.
  4. Determine which directory was used for your Fisheye application data directory (FISHEYE_INST). You will need to know this when running the Windows installer. This can be found in your wrapper.conf file, which is located in a conf directory under the wrapper directory. So in this example, the file would be located at C:\fecru-2.8.0-m6\wrapper\conf\wrapper.conf:

    The path to the application data directory will be a config line specifying the fisheye.inst JVM argument.  In this example, the relevant configuration line is wrapper.java.additional.12=-Dfisheye.inst="c:/fe_inst".

Uninstalling a Fisheye or Crucible service installed with the Fisheye/Crucible Windows Installer

Use the uninstaller that shipped with Fisheye or Crucible. For Fisheye or Crucible 3.4.4 and later, the uninstaller can be launched from the "Fisheye" or "Crucible" program group in the Windows Start menu:

Some earlier releases did not create a Start menu group.  For these versions, the uninstaller can be launched by navigating to the application directory and launching uninstall.exe:

Last modified on Mar 5, 2019


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