Customizing email notifications

Fisheye has a "watch" notification system that sends email notifications to users when commits are detected. Users can opt in for these notifications by "watching" a particular repository/activity stream.

Email notifications in Fisheye can be customized to change their formatting, by editing template files. This page contains instructions for this process.

Editing Fisheye email templates

Template files for Fisheye are stored in the <FishEye install directory>/template/fisheye and <FishEye install directory>/template/shared folders.

There are sets of templates for both HTML and plain-text emails, as listed in the table below. Note that these templates do not support embedding full diffs into notifications. They are only for changing the appearance and order of certain content inside the messages.

You can edit templates in any text editor.

After an edit, the change to the email template will take place immediately. No restart is required.

If you edit the templates of an operational Fisheye instance, you may disrupt notifications that are being sent at that time. To avoid this, shut Fisheye down during template editing.

Try and avoid editing the live template file, as Fisheye may try to use it while you are editing. This could have unpredictable results. Instead, back up the template file (it's wise to keep original versions of all these files), edit a copy you have made, then overwrite the 'live' template once you have finished.

Advanced editing of Fisheye email templates

The email notification templates use the Freemarker format. Freemarker is a general templating engine enabling automated content.

If you are familiar with Freemarker, more advanced customizations can be made to the email notification templates. However, you make such adjustments at your own risk.

Fisheye email template file list

The following template files for Fisheye notifications are stored in the <FishEye install directory>/template/fisheye/ folder, or its subfolders and <FishEye install directory>/template/shared/ folder, or its subfolders.

Template filenameHTMLPlain-text

See also Customizing Crucible Email Notifications.

最終更新日: 2018 年 10 月 25 日


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