Crowd 1.5 Upgrade Notes

This document contains notes on upgrading an existing Crowd installation to Crowd 1.5. You can see the features of this release in the Crowd 1.5 Release Notes.

On this page:

アップグレード ノート

The file is now in Crowd Home

As from Crowd 1.5, the file for the Crowd Administration Console is located in the Crowd Home directory and not the Installation directory. When upgrading from an earlier version of Crowd, you will need to copy the file to the root of your Crowd Home directory.


  • The file for the CrowdID application is still located in the Installation directory.
  • For future upgrades after Crowd 1.5.0, the upgrade process becomes easier because you will no longer need to copy the file.

The instructions are incorporated into the Upgrade Guide for Upgrading from Crowd 1.3.0 or Later and Upgrading from Crowd 1.2.x or Earlier.

There are new required JAR files for Crowd WAR deployments

WAR deployments need to ensure that JavaMail classes and the Java Beans Activation Framework are located in the application server's classpath. For more information, please review this guide.


To upgrade to Crowd 1.5.x from 1.4.x or earlier, please follow these upgrade instructions.

最終更新日: 2014 年 10 月 14 日


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