課題の担当者をチーム メンバーにマッピングする

You can define the hierarchy level up to which Portfolio for JIRA will try to match the assignee of an issue to the corresponding member of the team. Specify the level at which the issue assignees in your JIRA application are indeed the people who will actually work on the issues.

For example, you may have the Product Manager assigned to an epic, and individual developers assigned to the stories within that epic. In reality, the Product Manager won't really be the person working on the stories, since it will be the developers themselves. You can then set the issue assignee import level to story, in this case. Portfolio for JIRA will then take the story assignees into account, but not the epic assignees.

For the JIRA issue assignee to show in the team member column in Portfolio for JIRA, these conditions must apply:

  • There is no member set in Portfolio for JIRA.
  • The assignee is set on the issue in JIRA.
  • 担当者がプランのチームの一部であること。
  • チームの割り当てを手動で行った場合、担当者がそのチームに所属していることを確認します。
  • To see the assignee that is being pulled from JIRA, you have to calculate your plan.
  • 課題担当者のインポート レベルが階層レベルに設定されている必要があります。「イニシアチブおよび他の階層レベルの構成」をご確認ください。

課題の担当者のインポート レベルを定義する方法

  1. Go to your plan via Portfolio (in header) > View Portfolio > click your plan.
  2. Click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Scheduling.
  3. [スケジュール オプション] セクションで、[課題の担当者のインポート レベル] メニューへ移動し、[レベル] を選択します。

担当者をチーム メンバーとして設定する方法

You can manually set an issue assignee in Portfolio for JIRA, and update the JIRA issue once you commit the change.

  1. Go to your plan via Portfolio (in header) > View Portfolio > click your plan.
  2. Click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Commit of changes.
  3. To commit issue assignees from Portfolio for JIRA into JIRA, click On.

(info) Note that if you select off, whenever you change an issue assignee in Portfolio for JIRA, this won't affect the JIRA assignee, even if you commit changes.


最終更新日 2018 年 5 月 30 日


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