Crucible のプロジェクト

A Crucible project provides a way to group and manage related reviews – typically reviews that are all involved with the same software project. A Crucible project allows you to

  • define default moderators, authors and reviewers for the reviews in that project.
  • define which people are eligible to be reviewers for the reviews in that project.
  • use permission schemes to restrict who can perform particular actions (e.g. 'Create Review') in that project.

Every Crucible review belongs to a project. Each project has a name (e.g. ACME Development) and a key (e.g. ACME). The project key becomes the first part of that project's review keys, e.g. ACME-101, ACME-102, etc:

By default, Crucible contains one project. This default project has the key 'CR' and the name 'Default Project'.

See Creating a project.

最終更新日 2013 年 5 月 2 日


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