
I have too many users in my application, and now my application is read only

Firstly, you can always generate a new evaluation license from your "My Atlassian" account. Evaluation licenses are always for an unlimited number of users - so you can apply a temporary evaluation license to get your instance out of read-only mode, while you fix the problems with your user count.

For directories with LDAP:

  • You should ensure that your Base DN is set appropriately
  • If necessary, use a user filter to restrict the users brought into your application
  • See the LDAP Configuration Guide for more information on working with the Base DN and restricting users.

For all directory types:

In Atlassian applications, users count towards a license if they have access to the application. Access to an application is typically controlled by group membership. You should ensure that all members in your directory have appropriate memberships; and that your application allows only the appropriate users and groups access to the application.

A user only needs to exist in one group that can use an application - adding multiple groups may lead to inflated license counts. Ensure that each group contains only the bare minimum of users. Consider adding users to existing groups, rather than giving groups access to an application. For example, if you had confluence-users and jira-users and wanted to grant access to Confluence to just one user from JIRA; you could add that user to the confluence-users group, rather than giving the whole jira-users group access to Confluence.


Some (or all) users or groups aren't showing up in my Application

This is typically caused by the users or groups existing outside the Base DN, or being excluded by a user/group filter.

  • Ensure that your base DN is set to a higher point in the than your users and groups
    • Example: If you have cn=Joe Blogs,ou=Sydney,dc=example,dc=local and cn=Jack Spratt,ou=Austin,dc=example,dc=local, set your base DN to dc=example,dc=local to bring both users in.
  • Ensure that your user and group filters do not accidentally exclude the users and groups you're attempting to bring in
  • See the LDAP Configuration Guide for more information


Users randomly disappear from my applications

Investigation in the database may show evidence of the user being there in the past (for example, a user key in the app_user table for Jira, or the user_mapping table for Confluence) but the user cannot be found in the users table of the database, or in the user management screens of the application.

Some directory types, such as OpenLDAP, may enforce a limit to the number of search results returned. If you notice that there are more users in your directory than are being brought into the application, check your LDAP server's documentation for mentions of limitations. 

Further reading:


最終更新日 2017 年 11 月 16 日


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