Configuring Jira integration in the Setup Wizard

This page describes the Connect to Jira tab of the Fisheye setup wizard.

Connecting Fisheye to a Jira application allows you to manage your users with Jira. See Connecting to Jira for user management for more information.

セットアップウィザードで Jira アプリケーションに接続する

To configure Jira integration while running the Fisheye setup wizard:

  1. In the 'Connect to Jira' step of the setup wizard, enter the following information:

    JIRA ベース URL The base URL set for your Jira application. Examples are:
    管理者ユーザー名The credentials for a user with the 'Jira System Administrators' global permission in the Jira application.
    Admin Password
    Fisheye Base URLClick Advanced Options to see this field. The Jira application will use this URL to access your Fisheye server. The URL you give here will override the base URL specified in your Fisheye administration console, for the purposes of the Jira connection.
    Groups to SynchronizeClick Advanced Options to see this field. Select at least one Jira application group to synchronize. The default group is jira-users. The Jira application will synchronize all changes in the user information on a regular basis. The default synchronization interval is 1 hour.
    Admin GroupsClick Advanced Options to see this field. Specify a Jira group whose members should have administrative access to Fisheye/Crucible. The default group is jira-administrators.
  2. Click Connect to Jira.
  3. Finish the setup process.


Click to see troubleshooting information...

Your upgrade procedure depends on whether you are using a FISHEYE_INST directory (i.e. "Fisheye instance" directory).
  • The FISHEYE_INST directory is the Fisheye data directory (not the installation directory) and has a location defined by the FISHEYE_INST environment variable. It is used to keep the Fisheye data completely separate from the Fisheye/Crucible application files. We recommend that you configure Fisheye/Crucible to use a FISHEYE_INST directory for production instances. Read more about FISHEYE_INST in Installing Fisheye on Windows or Installing Fisheye on Linux and Mac.
  • The <FishEye install directory>  is the location of the Fisheye/Crucible application files.
Method 1: Using a FISHEYE_INST directory

If you have Fisheye/Crucible configured to use a FISHEYE_INST directory, then follow the instructions below. This is the recommended scenario for production installations.

  1. Shut down your existing Fisheye/Crucible server, using bin\stop.bat or bin\ from the <FishEye install directory>.
  2. Make a backup of your FISHEYE_INST directory.
  3. Download Fisheye or Crucible.
  4. Extract the new Fisheye/Crucible version to a new directory.
  5. Leave your  FISHEYE_INST  environment variable set to its existing location. Both Fisheye and Crucible use this variable.
    • Please be aware that jar files in the FISHEYE_INST/lib directory may conflict with those required for Fisheye's normal operation. Jar files in this directory should be limited to those which provide functionality not provided by Fisheye (e.g. database drivers).
  6. Start Fisheye/Crucible from the new installation directory by running bin/ (Use run.bat on Windows.)
  7. Follow any version-specific instructions found in the Fisheye upgrade guide or Crucible upgrade guide.
Method 2: Without a FISHEYE_INST directory

If you do not have Fisheye/Crucible configured to use a FISHEYE_INST directory and do not want to set one up, then follow the instructions below. The <FishEye install directory> is the location of the existing Fisheye/Crucible installation. Note that this is the typical scenario for evaluation installations, and is not recommended for production installations.

You will need to copy some files from your old Fisheye/Crucible installation to your new one.

  1. Download Fisheye or Crucible.
  2. Extract the new Fisheye/Crucible archive into a directory such as <New FishEye install directory>.
  3. Shut down the old Fisheye/Crucible server, using bin\stop.bat or bin\ from the <FishEye install directory> .
  4. Copy <FishEye install directory>/config.xml to  <New FishEye install directory>.
  5. Delete the following directories from the <New FishEye install directory> directory:
    • <New FishEye install directory>/var/cache
    • <New FishEye install directory>/var/data
    • <New FishEye install directory>/var/log
    • <New FishEye install directory>/data (If it exists) 
  6. Copy (or move) the following directories from  <FishEye install directory> to <New FishEye install directory>:
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/cache
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/data
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/log
    • <New FishEye install directory>/data (If it exists) 
    DO NOT include the following directories when you do that:
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/osgi-cache
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/plugins
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/tmp
  7. Delete the  <New FishEye install directory>/cache  directory.
  8. Copy (or move) the  <FishEye install directory>/cache directory to   <New FishEye install directory>/cache.
  9. Start Fisheye/Crucible from the new installation by running  <New FishEye install directory>/bin/ (Use run.bat on Windows.)
  10. Follow any version-specific instructions found in the  Fisheye upgrade guide    or  Crucible upgrade guide .
Method 3: Without a FISHEYE_INST directory, but would like to set one up

If you do not have Fisheye/Crucible configured to use a FISHEYE_INST directory but would like to set one up, then follow the instructions below. You may wish to do this when reconfiguring an existing installation for a production environment.

The FISHEYE_INST directory is the Fisheye data directory, which has a location defined by the  FISHEYE_INST  environment variable, and which should be completely separate from the <FishEye install directory>. The <FishEye install directory> is the location of the existing Fisheye/Crucible installation.

  1. Download Fisheye or Crucible.
  2. Shut down the existing Fisheye/Crucible server, using bin\stop.bat or bin\ from the <FishEye install directory> .
  3. Set up the FISHEYE_INST environment variable, then create the FISHEYE_INST directory on your file system.
  4. Copy  <FishEye install directory>/config.xml to the FISHEYE_INST directory.
  5. Copy the  <FishEye install directory>/var directory to the FISHEYE_INST directory.
  6. Copy the  <FishEye install directory>/cache directory to the FISHEYE_INST directory.
  7. If it exists, copy the  <FishEye install directory>/data directory to the FISHEYE_INST directory.
  8. Extract the new Fisheye/Crucible archive into a directory such as  <New FishEye install directory> .
  9. Start Fisheye/Crucible from the new installation by running  <New FishEye install directory> /bin/ (Use run.bat on Windows.)
    • If your configuration is not automatically picked up and you cannot see your existing repositories, check your Administration > Sys-Info page, where you will see information about the <FishEye install directory> and FISHEYE_INST. Check that your FISHEYE_INST is pointing to the right directory.
  10. Follow any version-specific instructions found in the  Fisheye upgrade guide    or  Crucible upgrade guide .
Method 4: Using the Fisheye Installer for Windows
Using a FISHEYE_INST directory (including when previously running as a Windows Service using the wrapper)

If you have Fisheye/Crucible configured to use a FISHEYE_INST directory, then follow the instructions below. This is the recommended scenario for production installations. This also applies when previously running Fisheye as a Windows Service and the FISHEYE_INST location is defined within the wrapper.

  1. Shut down your existing Fisheye/Crucible server, using bin\stop.bat or bin\ from the <FishEye install directory>.
    If you currently run Fisheye or Crucible as a Windows service, see  Upgrading Fisheye on Windows  for instructions on uninstalling the service.
  2. Make a backup of your FISHEYE_INST directory.
  3. Download Fisheye or Crucible.
  4. インストーラーを実行します。
  5. Select the option to use the Custom Install. Proceed with the install.
  6. Select the folder where Fisheye will be installed. In thisstepyou can leave the default value selected. Proceed with the install.
  7. Select the folder where your data will be stored, which in this case is the folder pointed by your FISHEYE_INST. Ensure to select the correct folder in order to have all your data being read by Fisheye. For example, if your FISHEYE_INST is currently set to C:\Atlassian\fish_inst, this is the folder you have to select. Proceed with the install until the end.
    • Please be aware that jar files in the FISHEYE_INST/lib directory may conflict with those required for Fisheye's normal operation. Jar files in this directory should be limited to those which provide functionality not provided by Fisheye (e.g. database drivers).
  8. Fisheye will be installed and running as a service by the end of the install process.
  9. Follow any version-specific instructions found in the Fisheye upgrade guide or Crucible upgrade guide.
Without a FISHEYE_INST directory (including when previously running as a Windows Service using the wrapper)

If you do not have Fisheye/Crucible configured to use a FISHEYE_INST directory, the installer will create a directory for you and will create a FISHEYE_INST environment variable pointing to it. In the following instructions, <FishEye install directory> refers to the location of the previous Fisheye/Crucible installation. This also applies when previously running Fisheye as a Windows Service and there is no FISHEYE_INST defined.

  1. Shut down your existing Fisheye/Crucible server, using bin\stop.bat or bin\ from the <Fisheye install directory>.
    If you currently run Fisheye or Crucible as a Windows service, see  Upgrading Fisheye on Windows  for instructions on uninstalling the service. 
  2. Download Fisheye or Crucible.
  3. インストーラーを実行します。
  4. Select the option to use the Default Install. You may also use Custom Install if you want to select the directories where Fisheye will be installed and where your data will be stored. Proceed with the install.
  5. Fisheye will be installed and running as a service by the end of the install process.
  6. Stop Fisheye service (names as Atlassian Fisheye).
  7. Copy  <FishEye install directory>/config.xml to <FISHEYE_INST>.
  8. Delete the following directories from the <FISHEYE_INST> directory:
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/var/cache
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/var/data
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/var/log
    • <FISHEYE_INST>/data (If it exists) 
  9. Copy (or move) the following directories from  <FishEye install directory> to <FISHEYE_INST>: 
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/cache
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/data
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/log
    • <FishEye install directory>/data (If it exists)  
      DO NOT include the following directories when you do that:
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/osgi-cache
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/plugins
    • <FishEye install directory>/var/tmp
  10. Delete the  <FISHEYE_INST>/cache  directory.
  11. Copy (or move) the  <FishEye install directory>/cache directory to <FISHEYE_INST>/cache.
  12. Start the Atlassian Fisheye service.
  13. Follow any version-specific instructions found in the Fisheye upgrade guide or Crucible upgrade guide.

最終更新日 2020 年 4 月 29 日


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