Importing NVD data into Assets

To import NVD data into Assets, navigate to the Import section in the object schema configuration. Learn more about importing in Assets

インポート タイプ設定

Here's the list of configuration options:

Published range start date

Vulnerabilities published from this date will be imported. 

This field is mandatory. Enter the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

The oldest CVE object in NVD database was published on 1988-10-01. If you’d like to import the complete NVD database, use this date.

Published range start date

When set, only the CVEs modified in the last n days will be imported for the CVEs published within the date range set above and the corresponding objects will be updated. 

Set this field after your initial import is complete to enable faster synching.

We recommend that you keep this number greater than your import schedule interval so you don’t miss any updates.

Last modified (in days)

When set, only the CVEs modified in the last n days will be imported for the CVEs published within the date range set above and the corresponding objects will be updated. 

Set this field after your initial import is complete to enable faster synching.

We recommend that you keep this number greater than your import schedule interval so you don’t miss any updates.

API key

As NVD applies rate limiting to their services, you can synchronize data faster by using an API key.

Learn how to get an API key

Here’s an example configuration to import the entire NVD Database into an Assets Schema:

  1. Set Published range start date field to 1988-10-01.
  2. Leave the Published range end date field empty.
  3. Add your API key in the API Key field.
  4. Leave the Last modified (in days) field empty.
  5. Run the import. This import takes up a significant amount of time and memory to complete as you’re importing the full range of data.
  6. Once import is complete, edit the configuration settings as below:
    1. Enter 5 in the Last modified (in days) field.
    2. Enter Set synchronization config to run every day.

  7. [保存] を選択します。
Previous configuration

Deprecation notice

Note that this previous import configuration is using an API decommissioned on December 15, 2023. To continue to receive data from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), you'll need configure your import using the new configuration detailed above.






dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm




NVD データ フィード からのオプションの脆弱性データ エンドポイント

完全な CVE データベースを構築する

変更データ フィード エンドポイントは常にフェッチされます。

If you like to build up a full NVD-Database (from 2002 until now)

追加のエンドポイントを 1 つずつ選択してインポートする必要があります。

インポート後、毎年の NVD-Data Package の変更は、変更データ フィードに基づいて自動的に更新されます。

Importing all NVD data will end in over 300.000 Objects and this will need a lot of configured JVM memory.

Read more about system requirements here: Installing Assets.

オフライン モード

このオプションを選択した場合は、手動でダウンロードした NVD-Package をインポート フォルダーに配置する必要があります。

You will find the folder at <JIRA-HOME>/import/assets/cve

Last modified on Mar 7, 2025


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