
Monitoring the progress of the work of your teams is equally important when planning work. By monitoring progress, you can quickly see if there are potential bottlenecks, and you can act on these bottlenecks so they don't end up happening.

There are several ways to monitor the progress of the work of your teams across your Portfolio plans.


ロードマップに進捗列を追加して、次のステータス カテゴリーを使用してプランの課題を視覚化できます。

  • blue, for issues that are still in the To do status category
  • yellow, for issues in the In progress status category
  • green, for issues in the Done status category

You can choose to display progress using estimates or issue count, or even both, as shown in the sample plan below. Note that you need to add these columns to your plan so these details will display accordingly.

This sample plan is using hours to estimate issues, and the two (2) progress columns are displaying progress in terms of the estimated hours, and in terms of the number of issues. Note that you can use one or the other, or even both progress types at the same time. Both progress types can provide different levels of information, which you'll find useful when monitoring overall progress.

Any issues that have been marked as done in Jira, that don't have a resolution set, will not be included in the plan.

Understanding progress using estimates

You can use the estimates of issues to monitor the progress of work. Hover over the progress (estimate unit) bar, and see the breakdown of work in estimates, as shown in the sample plan below.

The progress details show the following:

  • PLAT-2 has an estimate of 5 hours, and is already done.
  • WEB-23 has an estimate of 15 hours, and is still to do.
  • Both estimates roll up to the parent issue PM-4, with a rolled-up estimate of 20 hours.
  • 5 hours is 25% of 20 hours, as indicated in the progress details for the Done status category.
  • 15 hours is 75% of 20 hours, as indicated in the progress details for the To do status category.
  • The progress bar only displays for a parent issue if its direct child issues are estimated. If a parent initiative has child epics that are not estimated, the progress bar will not display for the parent initiative. Moreover, the progress bar will still not display for the parent initiative even if the child stories of the epics are estimated. In this case, the progress bar will only display for the epics, since the child stories are estimated.
  • If you use days to estimate work in your plan, the progress details will be displayed in day units accordingly.
  • Any issues that are not saved to Jira will not be taken into account in calculating progress.

Understanding progress using issue count

You can also use issue count to monitor the progress of work, as shown in the sample plan below.

The progress details show the following:

  • The initiative PM-4 has two (2) child epics: WEB-23 and PLAT-2. In effect, the progress bar covers a total of 2 issues. 
  • There is 1 issue that is still to do, and this is WEB-23. Since there's a total of 2 issues, WEB-23 is 50% of the total issue count.
  • There's also 1 issue that's already done, and this is PLAT-2. This issue is also 50% of the total issue count.
  • The estimated hours for each issue are not taken into account by the progress bar, since progress here only covers issue count.

Any issues that are not saved to Jira will not be taken into account in calculating progress.


To monitor capacity in your plan, you first need to show capacity in the timeline of your plan. This is only possible if you group issues by teams.


Samples of healthy and unhealthy sprints

In the above example, clicking the capacity bar of a sprint will display the capacity details which may include:

  • The start and end dates of the sprint
  • The status of the sprint, whether it's an active, future, or projected sprint
  • The percentage of issues that have been completed
  • With the default velocity set to 30 story points, the percentage of how full the sprint is in terms of the estimated story points. If the team is estimating issues in hours or days, this will reflect in the percentage accordingly.
  • The number of unestimated issues in the sprint

The Dingo sprint is showing a red capacity bar, which means too much work has been allocated to that sprint. With this visual indicator in the timeline, you can then quickly consider how to fix this up — either by removing some issues from that sprint, or adding more people to the corresponding team.


スクラム チームとカンバン チームの両方について、キャパシティ バーは対応する期間 (スクラムはスプリント、カンバンはイテレーション) 全体に作業が均等に分散されているかどうかを反映します。これは、現在のプランでどのように作業が分散されているかについての基本的な前提です。


スクラム チームの場合:

  • ストーリー ポイントの見積りを使用する場合、スプリントの期間に対してベロシティが測定されます。ベロシティが 2 週間のスプリントに対して 30 ストーリー ポイントに設定されている場合、キャパシティの詳細には、見積られたストーリー ポイントに関して、スプリントの埋まり具合がパーセンテージで表示されます。
  • When using time-based estimates, capacity is measured against the duration of a week. If weekly capacity is set to 200 hours for a 2-week sprint, the capacity details will show the percentage of how full the sprint is in terms of the estimated hours.
  • ストーリーが複数のスプリントにまたがっている場合でも、その見積りは割り当てられたスプリントのキャパシティを消費します。たとえば、TIS-123 が 20 日間で予定され、各スプリントには 10 日間かかるためにスプリント 1 と 2 にわたるとします。TIS-123はスプリント 1 に割り当てられるので、その見積りの 30 のストーリー ポイントがスプリント 1 に割り当てられます。

カンバン チームの場合:

Capacity is measured against the duration of a week. If weekly capacity is set to 200 hours, then the capacity details will show the percentage of how full the iteration is in terms of the estimated hours.

To know more about showing sprints and capacity in your plan, see Grouping by teams.



リリース ビューから

You can jump to the releases view of your plan, to grab a high-level view of how work is tracking. More importantly, this will help you realistically determine if your teams can complete the work assigned to the releases in your plan.

Releases view, with sample releases

In the example above, you can quickly see the releases that are on track and off track. As long as the start and end dates of the issues fall within the start and end dates of their corresponding releases, then the releases stay on track.


  • プランのロードマップでリリースを表示し、保留中の課題にブロッカーが存在しないかを確認します。
  • For project releases, view the release in Jira, to see a condensed list of all the issues assigned to that release, and possibly to change the release dates as needed.
  • Hover on the progress bar of a release, to check how many issues are still to be completed.
    At the moment, the progress bar only includes the details of the issues that are currently visible in the plan. This means that old releases may not have accurate information.

タイムライン セクションから

また、プランのタイムライン セクションでリリースの進捗を直接追跡することもできます。


Green icons represent releases that are on track, while red ones are for releases that are off track. As long as the start and end dates of the issues fall within the start and end dates of their corresponding releases, then the releases stay on track. Click on an icon to view more details about the release, and more importantly, to determine how you can fix the state of off track releases.

時間の経過とともに、リリースの数が蓄積し、タイムラインで 1 つのリリースから別のリリースに移動するのが困難になることがあります。リリースが 1 日しか離れていないことや、複数のリリースが同じ日にスケジュールされることもあります。


1 つのリリースから別のリリースにジャンプする

リリース アイコンをクリックし、左矢印または右矢印をクリックして次のリリースにジャンプします。

1 つのリリースから別のリリースへジャンプする際、それに従って各リリースの詳細が表示されます。



Occasionally, you may see a number above a release icon. In the sample release below, the number denotes that there are 2 releases scheduled on the same day.

Click on the release icon to see the releases scheduled for that day, and then click the right arrow of each release to view more details about it.



If there are any releases that you want to keep an eye on, you can highlight these releases on your timeline. This helps make any relevant releases stand out in your timeline.

Click the Highlight on timeline check box, and the release will be displayed with either a red or green line in the timeline.



You can also filter issues by a release, which will display the corresponding issues filtered by sprint in the roadmap view.

ロードマップ ビューでリリースでフィルタリングした課題の例

最終更新日: 2019 年 12 月 30 日


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