Commit history
Use Bitbucket Data Center
- Importing code from an existing project
- Creating projects
- Creating repositories
- リポジトリのクローン
- Archive a repository
- HTTP アクセス トークン
- Controlling access to code
- Workflow strategies
- プル リクエスト
- 既定タスク
- Bitbucket search syntax
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- 通知
- Markdown syntax guide
- アドオンをリクエストする
- Set the default time zone
- Download a repository archive
- Creating a Contributions guidelines file
- Working with Git LFS Files
- Compare branches, tags, and commits
- Commit history
- Verify commit signatures
- Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.14 release notes
- Automating the installing, uninstalling, upgrading and downgrading of Marketplace apps on Bitbucket Server or Data Center using REST API
- How to get list of repositories for which app is enabled in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Bitbucket Data Center 8.18 release notes
- Bitbucket Data Center 8.16 release notes
- Running Bitbucket Data Center on a single node
- Link to other applications
- Integrate with Atlassian applications
- How to update your add-on
- Bitbucket Server 5.2 release notes
You can see the commit history of a repository in Bitbucket Data Center by navigating directly to the commits page of a repository. You can also view the commit history for a specific file.
To view all the commits on a branch in a repository, select Commits.
By default, on the Commits page, both commits and merge commits are listed. To see commits only, you can filter out merge commits by unchecking the Show merge commits field.
To view the commit history associated with a specific file:
Select a file within the Source view on a repository.
Select History.
On the commit details page, you can also check if a commit has been signed and verified.
View merge commits
To view merge commits from the commit history of a specific file:
Select a file within the Source view on a repository.
Select History.
Toggle Follow renames off.
View the history of a file's rename
To include the file’s commit history prior to it being renamed:
Select a file within the Source view on a repository.
Select History.
Toggle Follow renames on.
Note: With Follow renames toggled on, you will not see merge commits in the list.
- Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.14 release notes
- Automating the installing, uninstalling, upgrading and downgrading of Marketplace apps on Bitbucket Server or Data Center using REST API
- How to get list of repositories for which app is enabled in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Bitbucket Data Center 8.18 release notes
- Bitbucket Data Center 8.16 release notes
- Running Bitbucket Data Center on a single node
- Link to other applications
- Integrate with Atlassian applications
- How to update your add-on
- Bitbucket Server 5.2 release notes