UPM を手動でリセットするか、UPMを手動でアップグレードする方法


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Sometimes you're unable to access the Add-Ons in the Confluence Administration page because the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) is somehow corrupted. 

Or, the default upgrade process for UPM doesn't work.


  • Try to clear the Plugin Cache first to see if it works.
  • Update all incompatible plugins to the compatible version and disable those that are totally incompatible.
  • If you're unable to update or if it still fails, try the steps below

Only perform the steps below as a last resort after ensuring that

To manually reset the UPM :

We would need to delete some entry from the database.

Please backup your Confluence Home Directory, Installation Directory and your database before proceeding. This is very important because we're performing some database manipulation which might break Confluence if it's done incorrectly
If possible, try this out on a cloned test instance first.

  1. Go to Confluence Administration >> Manage Add-Ons and take note of your UPM version. 
  2. Confluence をシャットダウンします。
  3. Run this SQL query on your Confluence database

    delete from plugindata where PLUGINKEY='com.atlassian.upm.atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin'
  4. Go to <Confluence Installation Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins and search for all atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin and delete the JAR file. By default, it's only 1 JAR file. 
  5. Then, clear the plugin cache again by deleting the following folders.
    • <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-cache
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-osgi-cache
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-temp
    • <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins_language (This may, or may not exist)
  6. Download the same UPM version in step 1 and ensure that it is compatible with your Confluence version. 
  7. Go to <Confluence Installation Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins and copy this JAR file into the folder.
  8. Start up Confluence

To manually upgrade the UPM :

Try to update the UPM via file upload if the default method is not working. Ensure that the UPM version downloaded is compatible with your Confluence version

If it's not working, ensure that The Server Base URL is configured correctly.

Only if it's still not working, we would need to delete some entry from the database.

Please backup your Confluence Home Directory, Installation Directory and your database before proceeding. This is very important because we're performing some database manipulation which might break Confluence if it's done incorrectly
If possible, try this out on a cloned test instance first.

  1. Confluence をシャットダウンします。
  2. Run this SQL query on your Confluence database

    delete from plugindata where PLUGINKEY='com.atlassian.upm.atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin'
  3. Go to <Confluence Installation Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins and search for all atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin and delete the JAR file. By default, it's only 1 JAR file. 
  4. Then, clear the plugin cache again by deleting the following folders.
    • <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-cache
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-osgi-cache
    • <confluence-home>/plugins-temp
    • <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins_language (This may, or may not exist)
  5. Download the UPM version that you wish to upgrade to and ensure that it is compatible with your Confluence version.
  6. Place the newly downloaded UPM JAR into <Confluence Installation Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins where the previous JAR file was deleted
  7. Start up Confluence

最終更新日: 2024 年 12 月 18 日


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