アトラシアン アプリケーションとの連携

Bitbucket Data Center と Server の管理




アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。


When you integrate Bitbucket Data Center and Server with Atlassian applications, you get the following benefits:


Ensure commit messages contain Jira issuesJira 5.0+Bitbucket 7.16+
Jira 課題をダッシュボードで確認Jira 5.0+Bitbucket 7.11+
Link projects between Bitbucket Data Center and JiraJira 5.0+Bitbucket 6.6+
Create Jira issues directly from a pull request commentJira 5.0+Bitbucket 5.3+
スマート コミットの利用Jira 7.1+Bitbucket 4.2+
関連ブランチ、コミットおよびプル リクエストがすべて Jira 課題の開発パネルに要約されますJira 6.2+Stash 2.10+

Create Git branches from within Jira and Jira Agile.

Jira 6.1+Stash 2.8+

Bitbucket 内から Jira 課題をトランジション

Jira 5.0+Stash 2.7+

Bitbucket のコミットおよびプル リクエストに関連する Jira 課題を確認

Jira 5.0+ Stash 2.1+

See all the code changes commited for the issue (on the Jira Source tab).

Click through to see a changed file or the full commit in Bitbucket.

Jira 5.0.4+Plugin version bundled in Jira

Optimized builds page and tab

Bamboo 7.1+Bitbucket 7.5+

Bamboo responds to repository events published by Bitbucket to:

  • Trigger a plan build when a developer pushes to the connected repository.
  • Create or delete plan branches when a developer creates or removes a branch in the connected repository.

When you link a build plan to a Bitbucket repository, build notifications are automatically enabled. 

See Bamboo integration.

Bamboo 5.6+Stash 3.1+

See the latest build status for a commit when viewing Bitbucket commits and pull requests.

Bamboo 4.4+Stash 2.1+

When you have Sourcetree installed, you can:

  • clone a Bitbucket repository using Sourcetree.
  • check out a branch in Sourcetree, when viewing files, commits, or branches in a Bitbucket repository.
Sourcetree 1.7+Stash 2.7+

When Bitbucket is integrated with Crowd, you can:

  • use Crowd for user and group management, and for authentication.

最終更新日 2023 年 4 月 26 日


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