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Simply put, a plan in Advanced Roadmaps contains all of the work that needs to be done on your project in a timeline format (also called a Gantt chart). Every piece of work is broken down into issues which can then be assigned to teams.


  • Issues - These are the core building blocks of your plan. each issue represents a task in Jira that must be completed. These issues can be assigned a work estimate, given start and end dates, nested under parent issues, and assigned to individuals or teams. Learn how to manage and edit issues in the Issues section.

  • Teams - Teams represent the people who will be doing the work on your timeline. Learn more about how to create and assign issues on the Teams page.

  • Releases - Set milestones on your timeline and track your progress against them with Releases. Learn how to create and manage them on the Releases page.

  • Capacity and velocity - As you build your plan, you’ll want to ensure that you’re not over-assigning work to one team. Advanced Roadmaps has a depth of capacity management tools to help you create balanced and actionable plans for your teams based on past averages. Learn how to assign and manage capacity in the Capacity and Velocity section.

  • Dependencies - A dependency signals order of tasks in your plan. Issues can either “block” or be “blocked by” other tasks on your timeline, indicating that one must be done before the other. Learn how dependencies can help you convey a sense of order in your plan on the Dependencies page.

  • WarningsAdvanced Roadmaps alerts you to any inconsistencies or errors as you create your plan. Some common warnings are misaligned dates, misconfigured assignments, or simple oversights. Learn more about how Advanced Roadmaps helps you create a clean and effective plan in the Warnings section.

Lastly, Advanced Roadmaps is a sandbox environment meaning that any changes you make to your plan won’t be committed back to your Jira issues until you choose to do so. Learn how to Save your plan to Jira issues once you’re ready to put your plan into action.

Advanced Roadmaps が Jira Software Data Center の一部になりました。このページの機能にアクセスするには、Jira Software Data Center 8.15 またはそれ以降にアップグレードしてください。まだアップグレードできませんか? 現在の Data Center のバージョンに応じて、最新バージョンのアプリを (無償で) インストールすることでこれらの機能にアクセスできます。FAQ で詳細情報をご確認ください。

最終更新日 2021 年 8 月 26 日


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