Confluence 3.0 で解決された課題
Confluence 3.0 リリース ノート
- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- Multi-byte characters on dashboard are garbled in case language is set to Japanese, Korean or Chinese
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Manage your language preferences
- The email request received on Jira Service Desk displays the content in a non-readable format
- Choosing a Default Language
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- How to delete a branch with non-UTF-8 characters in the branch name in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Accented or extended UTF-8 characters cause "Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error
上記は、Confluence 3.0 で解決された問題を投票数順に並べたものです。修正、改善、新機能の詳細については、課題トラッカーをご参照ください。また、Confluence 3.0 リリース ノートもご参照ください。
type | 鍵 (キー) | 要約 | ステータス | resolution | votes |
予期しないエラーのため、データを取得できません。 Jira でこれらの課題を表示する |
上記は、Confluence 3.0 で解決された問題を投票数順に並べたものです。修正、改善点、新機能の詳細については、課題トラッカーをご参照ください。
最終更新日 2009 年 6 月 1 日
- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- Multi-byte characters on dashboard are garbled in case language is set to Japanese, Korean or Chinese
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Manage your language preferences
- The email request received on Jira Service Desk displays the content in a non-readable format
- Choosing a Default Language
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- How to delete a branch with non-UTF-8 characters in the branch name in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Accented or extended UTF-8 characters cause "Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error
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