
This page refers to the usage of the improved planning interface in Portfolio for Jira (version 3.0 and later). If you're using a Portfolio for Jira live plan (any version from 2.0 to 2.27), refer to the documentation in this section.

Portfolio for Jira provides you with a single source of truth into the current and future health of your initiatives. Using Portfolio for Jira, you can create reliable forecasts of the work of your teams in Jira, while keeping track of current work across realistic schedules in an ever-changing agile environment.


Before deep-diving into how to use Portfolio for Jira, you first need to be able to distinguish between the types of Portfolio plans. With the release of Portfolio for Jira 3.0, we've removed support for classic plans. So whether you're new to Portfolio for Jira, or you're already using Portfolio for Jira for some time, it's important to familiarize yourself with the types of Portfolio plans.

クラシック プラン

Classic plans are supported  in any version earlier than Portfolio for Jira 2.0. They have the timeline positioned at the bottom of your planning work space.

If you're currently running Portfolio for Jira 3.0 or later, you will no longer be able to access any classic plans. Check out this Migration guide if you need to keep using classic plans.

ライブ プラン

Live plans are fully supported from version 2.0 to 2.27 in Portfolio for Jira. They have the timeline positioned at the top, and the issues within the plan scope below the timeline.

ライブ プランではスケジューリング アルゴリズムと呼ばれるものを利用して、複数のプロジェクト全体でチームの現実的なスケジュールを計算します。結果のスケジュールがタイムラインに表示されます。


 Plans with the improved interface are supported in Portfolio for Jira 3.0 and later. The timeline is positioned at the right of the scope section. This provides a more intuitive experience, where you can view your roadmap directly beside the data that corresponds to it.

このインターフェイスの主な違いは、プランをより詳細に制御できることです。課題をドラッグ アンド ドロップして手動でスケジュールできます。また、課題のスケジュールを現実的なスケジュールに自動スケジュールし、同時に提案された自動スケジュール変更を受け入れるか破棄するかを選択できます。


Take the get started tour straight from your Portfolio plan, and quickly see the improved interface in action.

これを行うには、プランに移動し、[設定] () > [Get started tour (ツアー開始)] の順にクリックし、手順に従ってツアーを完了します。


  • Planning and viewing work: You now have a timeline right next to the issues in your plan. Beside each issue in your plan, line by line, is a corresponding schedule bar, which displays when an issue starts and ends in your roadmap. To schedule work, you can manually set target dates, or manually drag and drop the bars in your timeline accordingly.
  • Auto-scheduling your plan: Aside from setting target dates and manually scheduling issues, you can also choose to auto-schedule the work in your plan. Portfolio will consider some factors, and then prepare a schedule of the work items for your teams. You can then choose to accept or discard the suggested changes as needed.

Note the following details when using the interface:


As a Portfolio administrator, you can choose the users who can make changes in a plan, and the users who can only view a plan.


Note that plan permissions are plan-specific, so you'll need to make any necessary changes in each plan. See plan permissions for more details.


In the improved interface, plans have three (3) views, which let you focus on specific aspects of your plan.

  • ロードマップ: 管理しているプロジェクト全体で課題を計画し、スケジュールできます。
  • チーム: プラン内のチームを表示、作成、編集、および削除できます。
  • リリース: プラン内のリリースを表示、作成、編集、および削除できます。

See What is a Portfolio plan to know more.


The improved interface has been redesigned to be interactive and more intuitive interface. This helps you view and manage the issues in your plans faster and more efficiently.

プランのロードマップ ビューには、次のセクションがあります。

  • スコープ セクション: プランのバックログとして機能します。
  • Fields section, which contains pertinent details about the issues in your plan, like status, status breakdown, and estimates.
  • タイムライン セクション: 課題のスケジュール方法に応じて、プラン内の各課題のスケジュール バーが表示されます。バーを移動してそれに応じて課題をスケジュールできます。


See What is a Portfolio plan to know more.

Creating and assigning issues

The improved interface provides more obvious and intuitive ways to create issues.

When assigning issues, note that you now assign issues to assignees, and not team members anymore. You can also assign an issue to only one assignee.

See Creating issues for more details.


We're simplifying the experience of scheduling issues by using only one type of date — target dates. You can still use other custom date fields that you may have configured before enabling the improved interface, but you'll first need to add these custom fields to your plan.

You can now interact with the timeline itself to schedule issues:

  • by dragging and dropping the corresponding schedule blocks in the timeline,
  • or by entering target start dates and target end dates for the issues.

You can also set target dates for the issues in Jira itself, if target date fields have already been added in Jira. Any target dates that are set in Jira will also reflect in the corresponding issues and plans in Portfolio for Jira. See Showing Portfolio custom fields in JIRA Software to know how to add target dates to the issue screens in Jira.

スケジュール バーは両方の端をドラッグできるため、短時間や長時間の課題をスケジュールできます。


  • 親課題の開始日は、すべてのその子課題の最も早い開始日になります。
  • 終了日はすべての子課題の最も遅い終了日になります。

If you need some ideas on how best to schedule work for your teams, Portfolio for Jira can help you out by auto-scheduling your plan for you. When auto-scheduling your plan, Portfolio for Jira will:

  1. Consider various issue details, including assigned sprints, assigned releases, dependencies, estimates, and target dates.
  2. Give you a preview of how the issues in your plan would be scheduled.
  • The changes will not be automatically saved in your plan. You'll be given a preview of these changes, where you can then choose to accept or discard these.
  • For Portfolio to produce a realistic schedule, you'll need to estimate the issues in your plan and set up the capacity for your teams.

See Scheduling work and Saving changes in Jira for more details.


子課題のあるエピックを高くランク付けすると、その子課題のランキングも高くなります。これらの変更を Jira に保存すると、Jira で子課題も上位にランキングされます。

これは混乱を招く可能性があります。チームがバックログやアクティブなスプリントの課題を Jira ですでにランク付けしており、子課題が突然上位にランク付けされている場合は特にそうです。

改善されたインターフェイスでは、子課題のランキングが親課題のランキングとは関連しなくなりました。親エピックを上位にランク付けしても、Jira の子課題のランキングはそのままになります。


Progress is calculated by the percentage of estimates completed against the total estimates.

In the improved interface, we now display progress more visually — you'll see a status breakdown bar, which displays issues grouped by status category:

  • blue, for issues that are still in the To do status category
  • yellow, for issues in the In progress status category
  • green, for issues in the Done status category

Completed issues that are no longer displaying in the plan are also taken into account when progress is calculated. This progress calculation will be reflected in the status breakdown bar accordingly.

Saving changes in Jira

  • Any changes you make in your plans will not be saved in Jira, until you're comfortable with the changes made. These include the manual changes you make in your plan, and the auto-scheduled changes that you may have accepted.
  • どの変更を Jira に保存するかは、確認して選択できます。詳細については「Jira で変更を保存する」をご参照ください。

チーム ビューでは、以下のことが可能です。

  • プライベート チームの作成、編集、共有、および削除。
  • 共有チームの作成と編集、およびプランからの共有チームの削除
  • プライベート チームおよび共有チームにメンバーを追加、またはそれらからメンバーを削除
  • プランで作業にチームを割り当てる



リリース ビューでは、以下のことが可能です。

  • プロジェクト固有のリリースとプロジェクト横断型リリースを作成し、管理する
  • これらのリリースの進捗を追跡する
  • これらのリリースが、計画どおりのタイミングで完了するかどうかを判断する

See Managing releases to know more about the functionality of releases.

プラン インターフェイスを無効にする

While we've released features and improvements, we understand that you may need some features that are not available yet. If this is the case, you may need to disable the planning interface, and continue using Portfolio live plans (from versions 2.0 to 2.27) while we build more functionality. See Future releases and limitations for the current limitations.

We'll announce new features and improvements as we roll them out in future releases. Check out our release notes for updates.

We hope you do use the improved planning interface again, as we iterate on and release more features over time. See Setting up the planning environment for more details.

最終更新日 2019 年 9 月 11 日


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