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Portfolio for JIRA Home
This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you are currently running Portfolio 2.0, please check this link to access the latest page version.
Portfolio for JIRA standard plans allow you to manually import issues from JIRA Software and commit changes made in portfolio back to JIRA. If you add new issues to JIRA, you'll have to manually re import them into your standard plan. However, if you use live plans, you'll be able to select your issues sources and automatically stay in sync with JIRA Software.
- Plans comparison
- 移行ガイド
- Administering the classic plans
- バックログ
- インストール
- Classic plan
- Progress tracking
- Release process
- Reports section
- 設定
- Teams and people
- Timeline and scheduling
- Portfolio for JIRA FAQs
最終更新日 2017 年 11 月 23 日
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