Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

15 April 2013

This release delivers the following enhancements:

This release also includes a number of fixes. For full details please see the GreenHopper 6.1.6 Release Notes, the GreenHopper 6.1.5 Release Notes and the GreenHopper Release Notes. 


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New gadget: Days Remaining in Sprint

This gadget shows how long you have before the current sprint ends. Great for team wallboards.


New gadget: Sprint Burndown

This much-requested gadget shows the actual and estimated amount of work to be done in a sprint:

You can choose to always automatically display the current sprint.


Create Versions in GreenHopper

For your convenience, versions can now be created directly from the Versions panel in Plan mode:


(It is intended that the Version Start Date will, in a near future release of GreenHopper, be used when calculating the Projected Release Date on the Version Report.)


(info) Your administrator will need to activate Release Planning in GreenHopper Labs before you can create versions in GreenHopper.


View trend lines on the Version Report

The Version Report now shows trend lines, which help to illustrate the predicted release date:



(info) Your administrator will need to activate Release Planning in GreenHopper Labs before you can view the Version Report.



Predicted Release Dates now shown on the Version Report

The Version Report now shows you the predicted completion timeframes for a version, based on your team's current daily velocity.

The graph shows you three lines:

  • the Predicted Release Date – that is, the date at which you can expect all issues in your version to be complete, based on your current daily velocity and your chosen Estimation Statistic.
  • the Predicted Release Date (Optimistic) – that is, the earliest date by which you might expect the version to be complete. (The "optimistic" date is calculated by adding 10% to the average daily velocity.)
  • the Predicted Release Date (Pessimistic) – that is, the latest date by which you might expect the version to be complete. (The "pessimistic" date is calculated by subtracting 10% from the average daily velocity.)

予測値を計算するには、バージョンの見積済み作業のうち 10 %が完了している必要があります。

(info) Your administrator will need to activate Release Planning in GreenHopper Labs before you can view the Version Report.


Versions now understand Epics

You can now easily see which epics are relevant to a particular version. When you click a version in Plan mode, epics which do not contain issues belonging to that selected version will be greyed out — e.g. "Pluto" in this screenshot:

To display all issues regardless of which version they belong to, simply click the "filter" icon:

(info) Note that your administrator will need to activate Release Planning in GreenHopper Labs before you can view versions in Plan mode.


JIRA 6.0 compatibility

GreenHopper 6.1.5 is compatible with JIRA 6.0 EAP 7 (m9). At this point in time it is expected that GreenHopper 6.1.5 will be compatible with JIRA 6.0 beta and also with the official JIRA 6.0 release.






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