Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

The Version Report shows your team's progress towards completion of a version. The Version Report also shows you the predicted Release Date, based on your team's average rate of progress (velocity) since the start of the version, and the estimated amount of work remaining.


 バージョン レポートを表示する手順は、次のとおりです:

  1. 上部ナビゲーションバーで Agile リンクの下矢印をクリックし、表示されるドロップダウンメニューから目的のボードを選択します。
  2. Click Report, then select Version Report from the drop-down at top left.
  3. バージョン ドロップダウンから該当のバージョンを選択します。

スクリーンショット:バージョン レポート(クリックで拡大) 

The horizontal axis starts on the version's Start Date; or if no Start Date is specified, the date on which an issue was first added to the version. The graph shows the state your version was in at any given point in time, in terms of your total and completed Story Points (or other Estimation Statistic of your choice), so that you can see how the scope may have changed, and how you are progressing towards completion of the estimated work.


  • the Predicted Release Date (blue line) – that is, the date at which you can expect all issues in your version to be complete, based on your average daily velocity and the amount of estimated work remaining.
  • the Predicted Release Date (Optimistic) (shaded area to the left of the blue line) – that is, the earliest date by which you might expect the version to be complete. (The "optimistic" date is calculated by adding 10% to the average daily velocity.)
  • the Predicted Release Date (Pessimistic) (shaded area to the right of the blue line) – that is, the latest date by which you might expect the version to be complete. (The "pessimistic" date is calculated by subtracting 10% from the average daily velocity.)

(info) 予測値を計算するには、バージョンの見積済み作業のうち 10 %が完了している必要があります。



  • バージョン レポートはボード固有、すなわち、ボードの保存済みフィルターに一致する課題しか含みません 。
  • The Version Report shows Released versions but not Archived versions. (For more about version status, please see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions)