Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
This release delivers the following enhancements:
This release also includes a number of fixes. For full details please see the GreenHopper 6.1 Release Notes.
エピックは、ストーリーを管理する追加の階層として機能し、プロジェクト内またはプロジェクトをまたぐ課題グループに対して、計画立案する際の指針としての役割を果たします。エピックを活用することによって、スクラムマスターとプロダクトマネージャーは、すべて共通のテーマで関連している重要な課題グループを測定することができます。 In GreenHopper 6.1 we are delighted to launch epics out of Labs. Epics are now automatically enabled for every Scrum board, appearing in the left-hand panel: Originally released (via Labs) in GreenHopper 6.0.6, we added colour customisation and inline editing in GreenHopper 6.0.7. This was followed in GreenHopper 6.0.8 by progress bars, an Epics panel that follows you down the page, and the ability to create an issue that is automatically added to your chosen sprint. You can now exclude completed epics from Plan mode to keep it uncluttured. Simply select Mark as Done in the epic drop-down: Technical notes for the curious: Epics now have a custom field called Epic Status, of type Status of Epic (for details please see GreenHopper JIRA Configuration). Marking an epic as "Done" will set the epic's Epic Status field to "Done", but will not affect the epic's workflow or its Status field, and none of the epic's issues will be affected. Change History is now stored on the epic (as well as on the included issues), and is visible when you view the issue in JIRA. For example, if issue SSP-1 is added to epic SSP-24, then SSP-1 will look like this: ... and SSP-24 will look like this: In Plan mode, you can now drag-and-drop issues to an epic from either the backlog, a planned sprint or an active sprint. See Adding an Issue to an Epic. Ever used Quick Filters in Plan mode, and forgotten they were on? (We have.) So now there is a Filtered icon Organise your Stories into Epics
Mark an Epic as "Done"
View an Epic's History
Add Issues from Active Sprints to an Epic
Clear Quick Filters in a Single Click