Administration Guide
The Crowd Administration Guide is for people who have Crowd administration rights.
- まずはじめに
- Managing Directories
- Using the Directory Browser
- ディレクトリの追加
- Configuring Caching for an LDAP Directory
- Using Naive DN Matching
- Specifying Directory Permissions
- ユーザーとグループをディレクトリにインポートする
- Configuring directories for failover authentication
- Pruning delegated directories
- Managing Applications
- Using the Application Browser
- アプリケーションの追加
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Bamboo
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Confluence
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian CrowdID
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Crucible
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian FishEye
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Jira
- Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Bitbucket
- Integrating Crowd with Acegi Security
- Integrating Crowd with Jive Forums
- Integrating Crowd with Spring Security
- Integrating Crowd with a Custom Application
- Configuring the Google Apps Connector
- Mapping a Directory to an Application
- Effective memberships with multiple directories
- Specifying an Application's Address or Hostname
- Testing a User's Login to an Application
- Enforcing Lower-Case Usernames and Groups for an Application
- Managing an Application's Session
- Deleting or Deactivating an Application
- Overview of SSO
- Configuring Options for an Application
- Enabling OpenID client app
- Disabling the OpenID client app
- Allowing applications to create user tokens
- Configuring how users log in
- Managing Users and Groups
- Using the User Browser
- Adding a User
- Editing a User's Details and Password
- Deleting or Deactivating a User
- Case Sensitivity of Usernames and Groups
- Specifying a User's Aliases
- Editing a User's Group Membership
- グループの管理
- Managing Group Members
- Specifying a User's Attributes
- Granting Crowd Administration Rights to a User
- Granting Crowd User Rights to a User
- Managing a User's Session
- System Administration
最終更新日 2017 年 5 月 17 日
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