Bamboo では、プランを無効にしたり、削除したりすることで、ビルド対象から除外できます。
- Disabling a plan prevents it from being built. You can re-enable the plan, if you want to build it again.
For example, if a plan's latest build is broken and cannot be fixed quickly, you may want to disable it temporarily to stop the plan from being built. - プランを削除すると、 Bamboo システムから完全に削除されます。プランを再びビルドするには、新しいプランをゼロから再作成する必要があります。
On this page:
- Go to Builds > All build plans and select the plan's name.
- Select Actions > Disable plan.
You can also disable the plan using the Plan enabled check box on the Plan details tab of a plan's configuration pages.
Note that disabling a plan doesn't disable its branch plans or builds which are already running.
Deleting a plan deletes everything related to that plan, including the plan's configuration, all of the plan's job configurations and the plan's branch plans, job build results, artifacts, labels, and comments:
Deleting a plan also deletes its branch plans. Be careful!
- The Admin global permission is required to delete a plan.
- 現在ビルド中のプランは削除できません。このようなプランを削除する必要がある場合は、まずそのプランのビルドを停止します。詳細については、「アクティブなビルドの停止」を参照してください。
- Bamboo cleans up everything related to deleted plans every two minutes. You'll have to wait at least that long if you want to reuse the key from a deleted plan.
- If you need to keep a permanent record of the job build results for your plan, see Exporting data for backup.
プランを削除するには次の 2 つの方法があります。
- ダッシュボード:
- Go to Builds > All build plans and select the plan's name.
- Select Actions > Configure plan.
- Select Actions > Delete plan.
- In the Administration console:
- In the upper-right corner of the screen, selectAdministration> Overview.
- Under Plans, select Remove plans.
- Choose the plan you wish to delete.
- Select Delete at the bottom of the list. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
最終更新日: 2023 年 10 月 10 日
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