Virtual machines and 64-bit systems are supported. The minimum suggested configuration is:
- 4GB の利用可能 RAM
- 2+GHZ の CPU
- 500MB のディスク容量
The system requirements for Assets Discovery depends on how many hosts are scanned and how many parallel threads are in use. Read our recommendations
Assets Discovery uses various methods to collect data on your network. To determine whether a host should be explored, Discovery sends an ICMP-Echo Request to the hosts and tries to connect to every host that answers. You can also connect to hosts where ICMP is forbidden by using the IP-Modifier.
To transfer data between Discovery (or the Collector) and Assets in Jira Service Management:
- Data Center: You must have a reachable network path (TCP-Port 445) or SSH-Copy (TCP-Port 22). Make sure the network path is also available for the user that runs the service.
- Cloud:Data is uploaded via HTTPS requests to
. Make sure that you configure the allowlist.
Note that you cannot set up a proxy between Discovery (or the Collector) and Jira Service Management Cloud.
The following table describes the network connection requirements:
デバイス タイプ | Protocol used | 説明 |
Linux machines | ssh | Discovery uses SSH to access Linux machines. 初期設定では、SSH TCP ポート 22 が使用されます。Discovery は、ターゲット マシン上の変更された SSH ポートに接続できます。詳細については「IP 修飾子」をご参照ください。 |
Windows machines | WMI | To query devices, Discovery uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface. Because of Microsoft security restrictions for WMI, the credentials used must have local admin privileges on the target machine. Make sure the following firewall rules are enabled for hosts you wish to scan:
WMI または PowerShell は、Windows オペレーティング システム上で Discovery を実行している場合にのみ使用できます。これらは Linux では動作しません。 |
Network devices | SNMP | Discovery でネットワーク デバイスに対するクエリを実行する際は、簡易ネットワーク管理プロトコル (SNMP) が使用されます。SNMP バージョン 1、2、3 がサポートされています。 SNMP では、既定の UPD ポート 161 が使用されます。必ず有効にしてください。 |
vSphere ESXi サーバー | Web API | Discovery uses the WEB-API to get information from the server. For communication, it uses the SSL-Port 443. Make sure to enable it. |
If you're using the optional Discovery agent on Windows systems, the following ports used:
Discovery: TCP-Port 51337 (outgoing)
Discovery agent: TCP-Port 51337 (inbound)
All Discovery app dependencies can be found in the sbom.json
(software bill of materials) file, which is located in the installation directory.