Log more LDAP query details
Create the following logback.xml file in the root of the Stash home directory if it doesn't exist already and add the following:
<logger name="com.atlassian.crowd.directory.SpringLDAPConnector" level="DEBUG"/>
This will add the following line to the log when Stash tries to authenticate the user:
2013-04-30 14:26:40,042 DEBUG ... c.a.c.directory.SpringLDAPConnector Performing user search: baseDN = ou=users,ou=system - filter = (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=admin))
2013-04-30 14:48:42,821 DEBUG ... c.a.s.i.user.DefaultUserService Authenticating user drohan
2013-04-30 14:48:45,337 DEBUG ... c.a.c.directory.SpringLDAPConnector Performing user search: baseDN = ou=users,ou=system - filter = (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=drohan))
2013-04-30 14:48:47,454 DEBUG ... c.a.s.i.u.StashAuthenticationFilter Authentication success.
If possible, please try to login again to Stash with drohan a few times and attach the log containing the previous lines to the issue. Also attach the Crowd directory config that was used during that attempt (using Administration >> User Directories >> Directory Configuration Summary) if it was different from before.
最終更新日 2018 年 11 月 2 日
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