
本ページの内容はスクラム チーム にのみ適用されます。

Scrum teams work in sprints (or iterations), and these teams release incremental features of their product at the end of each sprint. If you're planning work for Scrum teams, we highly recommend that you use the corresponding boards as the issue sources in your plan, and not projects.

Using Scrum boards as issue sources lets you manage the sprints that come from those boards, plan the capacity of future sprints, and assign issues to sprints — all directly from your Portfolio plan. More importantly, if you use the project as an issue source, Portfolio cannot readily associate the sprints of that board with the project. The sprints will then appear as external sprints in your plan.

On this page:


スプリントとは、スクラム チームが課題に取り組む固定された期間のことで、チームはこの期間で課題を完了することにコミットします。チームの仕組みに応じて課題をストーリーやバグ修正に特化させることができます。スクラム チームでは通常、スプリントの終了時に、完了したすべての課題をまとめてバンドル化し、ソフトウェア製品のバージョンとしてリリースします。

In both Jira and Portfolio for Jira, a sprint is a 2-week period by default, which is essentially 10 working days. Depending on team size and capacity, you can adjust the number of days in a sprint as needed.



  1. 課題はチーム スイムレーンにグループ分けされます。チームを展開すると、そのチームに割り当てられた課題が表示されます。
  2. Clicking the capacity bar of a sprint will display the capacity details for each sprint.
  3. まとめられた値を表示するようにプランを設定している場合は、子課題から対応する親課題までのスプリント値がまとめられます

    課題が複数のスプリントに割り当てられ、これらのスプリントの 1 つがすでに完了している場合、完了したスプリントは灰色の文字で表示されます。複数のスプリントがすでに完了している場合は、いちばん最近に完了したスプリントの名前が表示されます。


Portfolio for Jira takes into account several types of sprints when you're planning work for teams.


If a team has not defined any sprints in the past, but it already has a currently active sprint and some sprints following that, Portfolio will display these past sprints in the timeline. Portfolio for Jira can infer the dates of these past sprints, based on the sprint duration and velocity set for the team, and can thereby display these past sprints.


Note that since past sprints do not really exist in the first place, so there are no capacity details that can be displayed.


Any sprints that have been completed in Jira Software will display as completed sprints in the timeline of a Portfolio plan. You can choose to view the sprint in Jira Software, as well as filter the issues by the sprint in your plan.



  • Name of the sprint
  • Duration of the sprint and its status, where the lozenge appears as completed
  • Percentage of completed issues in the sprint
  • Percentage of how full the sprint was in terms of estimated units
  • Number of unestimated issues and unassigned issues in the sprint

既定では、完了した課題は完了の 30 日後にプランに表示されなくなります。この設定は変更できますが、変更すると、完了したスプリントのキャパシティの詳細では、プランからなくなった完了済みスプリントに割り当てられた完了済みの課題が考慮されなくなります。

アクティブ スプリント

Any sprints that are currently in progress in Jira Software will display as active sprints in the timeline of a Portfolio plan. Note that in Jira Software, a sprint can only be given its start and end dates when it's started, and thus become an active sprint.

Based on the sprint duration and velocity set for the team, Portfolio is able to auto-schedule work into these active sprints as needed. Any issues that go beyond the velocity of active sprints will be allocated into future sprints or projected sprints.

You can choose to view the sprint in Jira Software, as well as filter the issues by the sprint in your plan.

プランのタイムラインでのアクティブ スプリントの例


  • Name of the sprint
  • Duration of the sprint and its status, where the lozenge appears as active
  • Percentage of completed issues in the sprint
  • Percentage of how full the sprint is in terms of estimated units
  • Number of unestimated issues and unassigned issues in the sprint


Any sprints that already exist in Jira Software, and are scheduled after a currently active sprint, will display as future sprints in the timeline of a Portfolio plan.

Even if a sprint can only be given its dates when it becomes active, Portfolio is able to infer the dates of these future sprints, based on the sprint duration and velocity set for the team. This is why future sprints can be displayed in the timeline.

Based on the sprint duration and velocity set for the team, Portfolio is able to auto-schedule work into these future sprints as needed. Any issues that go beyond the velocity of active sprints will be allocated into these future sprints.

You can choose to view the sprint in Jira Software, as well as filter the issues by the sprint in your plan.



  • Name of the sprint
  • Duration of the sprint and its status, where the lozenge appears as future
  • Percentage of how full the sprint is in terms of estimated units
  • Number of unestimated issues and unassigned issues in the sprint


Since Portfolio is able to infer the dates of sprints that can happen in the future, then any sprints that are projected to happen after the future existing sprints can also be displayed in the timeline.

Because these sprints do not exist in Jira Software, these will then be displayed as projected sprints. Note, however, that the name of the sprint will just be "Projected sprint" because the sprint does not exist in the first place.

Based on the sprint duration and velocity set for the team, Portfolio is able to auto-schedule work into these projected sprints as needed. Any issues that go beyond the velocity of existing future sprints will be allocated into these projected sprints.

You can choose filter the issues by the sprint in your plan.



  • Name of the sprint
  • Duration of the sprint and its status, where the lozenge appears as projected
  • Percentage of how full the sprint is in terms of estimated units
  • Number of unestimated issues and unassigned issues in the sprint


If a plan is using projects or filters as issue sources, sprint data will still be displayed for the corresponding issues. However, the sprints will be displayed with the EXTERNAL SPRINT lozenge next to them.

Because sprints can only be directly associated with board issue sources, then the lozenge indicates that the sprints are not directly associated with project and filter issue sources.




There are several ways to estimate the issues you're working on. Depending on how your team works, you can estimate issues using story points or time-based estimates (days or hours).

The main objective though should be to get better at predicting how much work a team can complete in each sprint. This translated to knowing the team's velocity.

ベロシティは、チームがスプリントごとに平均して完了する "見積単位" の数を測定します。作業量の見積もりに基づいて生産率を効果的に予測する、"時間" 以外で最良の尺度です。

We recommend using story points instead of time-based estimates. If you estimate that a story will take 16 hours to complete, there's no guarantee that estimate is 100% accurate. Story points, on the other hand, focus on estimating the size of an issue. A trivial bug fix may be estimated at 1 or 2 story points. A bigger feature that needs some prior research, however, may be estimated at 8 or 10 story points. Learn more about story point estimation.


Before you begin, note that this only applies to issues sourced from Scrum boards and when issues are assigned to Scrum teams.

Scrum teams work in sprints (or iterations), and they release incremental features of their product at the end of each sprint. When a team and a sprint are set for an issue, you can configure a plan to use sprint dates as the target dates of issues that don't have any dates set yet.

Sample plan with target dates of issues aligning with sprint dates

Even if an issue is showing its sprint dates, you can still change its target dates if needed. Note that if the target dates no longer match the sprint dates, this will not change the sprint assignment of the issue.


最終更新日 2019 年 11 月 20 日


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