- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Startup hangs on Japanese Language Pack (Post Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) Upgrade)
- Why is there a discrepancy between the date the license expires and the date shown in Bitbucket?
- Why is there a discrepancy between the date the license expires and the date shown in Jira?
- Chinese characters appears as question marks
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- Why is There a Discrepancy Between the Date the License Expires and the Date Shown in Confluence?
- ResourceError("Redis get failed. args=['group:1'], host='localhost'",) Causing the Hipchat Server Web Interface to be Inaccessible
Scenarios let you experiment with how work is scheduled across different versions of your plan. With multiple scenarios in place, it's easier to assess the impact of unplanned risks on the ability of your teams to deliver work on time.
Sample plan with configured scenarios
Let's say, you have Best case, with your standard team velocity. However, you're aware that there's a chance something will come up that can reduce your team's velocity. This may be cause by additional work, or perhaps you need to pull out a few people from the planned work. Whatever the cause, you can create Worst case, where your team velocity is reduced. With best case and worst case scenarios in place, you can then switch between these, and assess the impact of velocity risks on your teams' delivery.
Sample plan with scenarios configured
- プランで [シナリオ] ドロップダウンをクリックします。
- 使用可能なシナリオのリストから、使用するシナリオを選択します。
- 選択したシナリオで必要な変更を行います。加えた変更は選択したシナリオにのみ適用されて、シナリオに割り当てられている色でフラグで表示されます。
- 使用可能なシナリオのリストから、使用する別のシナリオを選択し、必要な変更を行います。
- 必要に応じて、使用可能なシナリオに変更を加えます。
- シナリオで行われたすべての変更を考慮し、チームにとって最も現実的なシナリオを選択します。
- 次のように変更を保存します。
- [変更をレビュー] をクリックします。[変更をレビュー] ダイアログが表示され、既定ですべての変更が選択されます。
- Click Save selected changes in Jira.
- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Startup hangs on Japanese Language Pack (Post Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) Upgrade)
- Why is there a discrepancy between the date the license expires and the date shown in Bitbucket?
- Why is there a discrepancy between the date the license expires and the date shown in Jira?
- Chinese characters appears as question marks
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- Why is There a Discrepancy Between the Date the License Expires and the Date Shown in Confluence?
- ResourceError("Redis get failed. args=['group:1'], host='localhost'",) Causing the Hipchat Server Web Interface to be Inaccessible