Graphical schedule

This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you're using Portfolio 2.0 and later, please check this section for frequently asked questions about Portfolio live plans.

We have collected some of the frequently asked questions about the graphical schedule in JIRA Portfolio.

What happens to the gantt chart if some elements of the backlog are defined as epics and others as stories?

The GANTT-like graphical view can be switched between viewing initiatives, epics or stories. Each of the views shows items of each type of granularity, so there is never a mixture within one view.

How do you visualize specific tasks/stories that are behind schedule?

When opening the viewing options next to the graphical schedule, there is an option for "Show time spent". It shows a notion of progress on each bar, which you can put in relation to the dotted orange line marking the current date. A bar will turn red, as soon as more time is spent on than originally estimated.

Can the gantt chart area be shown in quarters?

No, this is currently not possible, it is focused on releases and sprints.

Does JIRA Portfolio have a calendar view, like ActivityTimeline, where you can see projects, teams, etc.. over a week, month, etc...?


Can you see Full Time Employee profile over time based on future capacity?

In the graphical view, you can switch between different groupings. If you switch to grouping per member, you will see a timeline for each member. Since JIRA Portfolio does not allow you to overbook a resource, this means you can see what times a person is free or busy (100% booked).

Is there drop-onto-dependent-task possibilities using mouse?

No, dependencies can only be set in the details view when selecting an item in the backlog table.

最終更新日 2017 年 11 月 23 日


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