

The roadmap view of your plan lets you see all the work that's relevant to you. With the new experience, you can use the different elements in this view, so you can focus on only the relevant details. For example, you can deep-dive into the details by narrowing down the available filters, or go wider by expanding the timeframe or hierarchy levels.




In doing so, the issues will be expanded according to the hierarchy levels that have been set. In the example above, the hierarchy levels are set from initiative to story. This means that all issues from the initiative level down to the story level will be expanded.


[スコープ] セクションの一番下には [親のない課題] セクションがあり、これを展開すると親課題に所属しない課題が表示されます。



フィルターを使用してプランでの関連課題 (プロジェクトやリリース、チーム、課題の詳細など) を表示します。詳細は、「課題のフィルタリング」を参照してください。



  • issue details that Portfolio accesses from Jira, which may include assignees, issue statuses, sprints, releases, dependencies, and more
  • any custom fields existing in Portfolio, like target start datestarget end dates, and teams
  • any custom fields configured in Jira, like single-line text fields and single-choice select fields



タイムライン セクションの上部で、必要に応じてタイムフレーム設定を選択します。

  • 3M: for issues scheduled for the next 3 months, starting from the current day
  • 1Y: for issues scheduled for 1 year, starting from the current day
  • Fit: for issues scheduled from the earliest start date and latest end date in the plan itself, with the issues displayed to fit the width of the timeline
  • Custom: for issues scheduled within a particular date range

You may have issues with target start dates or target end dates that go beyond the selected timeframe. For such issues, you'll see an arrow at the end of the schedule bar — this arrow indicates that the target date goes beyond the timeline.

上記の例では、タイムフレームは 1 年に設定され、課題の開始日が 19 年 1 月 07 日になっていてタイムラインを過ぎています。

スケジュール バーの矢印をクリックすると、タイムフレームが課題の開始日にジャンプし、タイムフレームは対応するカスタム日付範囲で自動的に設定されます。



  • Group by: Group issues into separate swimlanes by assignee, project, or team.
  • Color by: Color issues by status, team, or label, or by the corresponding values of any single-choice select and multiple-choice select custom fields being used in the plan.






The schedule bar, which represents the schedule duration of an issue in a plan, based on the target dates that have been set for the issue.

Ideally, an issue would have both target start and target end dates, but it's quite possible for an issue to have just one of the dates. In this case, the schedule bar displays in a solid color on the end of the target date that's been set. The solid color gradually fades towards the other end of the schedule bar, where the target date hasn't been set.

When the new experience is enabled in a plan, the following will take place by default:

  • The target start date, target end date, and status columns will be displayed in the fields section.
  • The issues are displayed to fit the width of the timeline, based on the earliest start date and latest end date of the issues in the plan.

This applies to newly created plans and existing plans where the new experience has been enabled. You can change these details and settings any time moving forward. See Displaying issue details for more information.

最終更新日 2019 年 4 月 4 日


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