

The roadmap view of your plan lets you see all the work that's relevant to you. With the new experience, you can use the different elements in this view, so you can focus on only the relevant details. For example, you can deep-dive into the details by narrowing down the available filters, or go wider by expanding the timeframe or hierarchy levels.


At the bottom of the scope section, you'll find the issues without parent section, which displays the issues that do not belong to any parent issue.



Use filters to display the relevant issues in your plan, like projects, releases, teams, issue details, and more. See Filtering work for more details.





Above the timeline section, choose the timeframe settings as needed:

  • 3M: for issues scheduled for the next 3 months, starting from the current day
  • 1Y: for issues scheduled for 1 year, starting from the current day
  • Fit: for issues scheduled from the earliest start date and latest end date in the plan itself, with the issues displayed to fit the width of the timeline
  • Custom: for issues scheduled within a particular date range


You may have issues with target start dates or target end dates that go beyond the selected timeframe. For such issues, you'll see an arrow at the end of the schedule block — this arrow indicates that the target date goes beyond the timeline.

In the example below, the selected timeframe is 1 year (1Y), and the highlighted issue has a start date of 26 Jul 18, which goes beyond the timeline.

By clicking the arrow of the schedule block, the timeframe updates into a custom date range, as shown below.



  • Group by: Group issues into separate swimlanes by assignee, project, or team.
  • Color by: Color issues by status or team.




Note that when you filter the issues in your plan using releases, the release icons in your plan will also be filtered. See Filtering work for more details.


The schedule block, which represents the schedule duration of an issue in a plan, based on the target dates that have been set for the issue.

Ideally, an issue would have both target start and target end dates, but it's quite possible for an issue to have just one of the dates. In this case, the schedule block displays in a solid color on the end of the target date that's been set. The solid color gradually fades towards the other end of the schedule block, where the target date hasn't been set.

Filtering work

It can be easy to lose focus when you're planning work across multiple projects, releases, teams, and more. By filtering the work that's displaying in your plan, you can focus your attention on a specific scope of your plan, as needed.

Sample plan, with the teams filter applied


ReleasesChoose the relevant releases from the releases included in the plan. Note that when you filter the issues in your plan using releases, the release icons in your plan will also be filtered.
チームChoose the relevant teams from the teams existing in the plan.
プロジェクトChoose the relevant projects from the projects being used as issue sources in the plan.
ラベルChoose the relevant labels from the labels being used by the issues in the plan.

  • すべての課題: 課題に依存関係があるかどうかにかかわらず、プランに含まれるすべての課題を表示します。
  • 依存関係がある - 依存関係がある課題のみ表示します。
  • 特定の課題 - プラン内のすべての課題から特定の課題を表示します。依存関係があるかどうかに関係なく、フィルタリングされた課題が表示されます。これによって、その課題のすべての依存関係を表示したり、必要に応じてフィルタリングされた課題に依存関係を追加したりすることができます。


たとえば、プラン内で TIS-1 が TIS-2 をブロックし、TIS-2 も TIS-6 と PERF-1 をブロックするとします。

TIS-1 でフィルタリングして、依存関係チェーンを含めると、直接の依存関係 TIS-2 と、間接的な依存関係 TIS-6 および PERF-1 がプランに表示されます。


課題の詳細Filter issues by entering either the issue key or issue summary.


  1. プランで、[フィルター] ドロップダウンをクリックします。
  2. Select which values to apply, for any of the available filters.
  • Click Clear all filters to quickly remove all filters and view all issues in your plan.
  • You can also use multiple filters, to further narrow down on the work you're trying to focus on. For example, you can filter for only the issues that have dependencies, and that are assigned to v3.0 release.

    Note that there may be times when some issues won't be returned, because of the multiple filters that have been applied. To continue with the example above, let's say TIS-67 has dependencies, and is assigned to v2.0 release. Even if the issue TIS-67 has dependencies, the issue might not be returned because it is not assigned to v3.0 release.



To display the relevant issue details in a plan, do any of the following, as needed:

Adding a field

To display issue details in a plan, you'll first need to add the relevant fields to the plan. These fields will be displayed as columns, and each field will contain the corresponding issue detail.

In the fields section of the plan, click more () > select the checkbox of the field you want to add.

Set a value for a fieldClick the cell of the relevant field, then specify the corresponding value for it.
Removing a field

In the fields section of the plan, click more () > clear the checkbox of the field you want to remove from the plan.

Reordering fields

The order of the columns in the fields section depends on the order that you add the fields to the plan. We're currently iterating on the best way to reorder fields for future versions.

  1. In the fields section of the plan, click more () > clear the checkboxes of all the fields.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the fields in the order in which you want the corresponding columns to display.


You can customize the view settings of your plan, to make it easier for your audience to consume the data in your plan. By customizing the view settings, you can make your timeline display the right information for you and your audience.

Sample plan, with issues grouped by assignee

Sample plan, with issues colored by status

To customize the view settings of a plan:

  1. プランで、[設定を表示] ドロップダウンをクリックします。
  2. Select which settings to use, for any of the following options:
    • Group by, to group issues into separate swimlanes by assignee, project, or team.
    • Color by, to color issues by status or team.

Note that after customizing the view settings, you can still interact with the issues in the plan, e.g. dragging and dropping issues, or assigning issues to teams.

You can also use the group by and color by settings at the same time. For instance, you can group issues by project, and color issues by status, just like the sample plan below.

最終更新日: 2018 年 12 月 14 日


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