This gadget is available in GreenHopper 6.1.6 and later versions.
Screenshot: The GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint gadget showing number of days before the current sprint ends

Adding the GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint Gadget to your JIRA Dashboard
Tip: You can add a number of GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint gadgets to your dashboard, if you wish to track more than one board.
To add the GreenHopper Days Remaining gadget to your JIRA dashboard,
- JIRA にログインするか、すでにログインしている場合は、ダッシュボードに移動します。
- 右上にある [ガジェット追加] リンクをクリックします。ガジェット ディレクトリ画面が表示されます。
- Find the GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint gadget in the list of gadgets and click Add it Now.
- 右下の [完了] ボタンをクリックします。
- The GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint gadget will appear on your dashboard. Enter the following setup details for your gadget:
- ボード - ガジェットを表示するスクラムボード
- Sprint — the sprint for which you want to display a burndown chart.
Select Next Release Due (auto) to display the sprint that's currently in progress (or the next sprint to be started, if none are in progress) - 更新間隔 - ガジェットのデータを更新する間隔を選択します。
- Click the Save button. The GreenHopper Days Remaining in Sprint gadget will now show the details for the chosen board:
Tip: You can change the setup details later by selecting Edit from the cog drop-down which appears when you mouseover the top right corner of the displayed gadget.