This is the documentation for Clover 3.3. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Please also refer to the Clover Core Changelog.

Clover-for-Maven 2 and 3 Changelog

The changes for the latest version are as follows:

Changes in Clover-for-Maven 3.3.0

2014 年 4 月 1 日

This is a major release with a dedicated support for the Spock framework and JUnit4 Parameterized Tests.

Implemented features and fixes

T キー 要約 P

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in Clover-for-Maven 3.2.2

2014 年 2 月 17 日

This is a release with bug fixes for Java 8 language features.

Issue list

T キー 要約 P

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in Clover-for-Maven 3.2.0

2013 年 10 月 24 日

This is a major release with support for Java 8. See Clover 3.2 Release Notes.

Issue list

T キー 要約 P

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in the Clover-for-Maven

2013 年 10 月 1 日

This is a bug-fix release that uses Clover (com.cenqua.clover:clover), containing a hot fix for a class verification error. See Changes in for Ant

Changes in the Clover-for-Maven 3.1.12 plugin

2013 年 7月 2 日

This is a bug-fix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven 3.1.11 and earlier versions.

Issue list

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in the Clover-for-Maven 3.1.11 plugin

2013 年 3 月 25 日

This is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven and earlier versions.


Solved IncompatibleClassChangeError exception thrown from Groovy 2.x compiler when called from groovy-eclipse-plugin / groovy-eclipse-batch plugin with the Clover enabled. Problem was related with ASM-3.0 vs ASM 4.0 binary incompatibility.

Issue list

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in the Clover for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

2013 年 1 月 24 日

This release contains update of POM metatada:

It contains also a minor fix for missing 'clover-report' diagram in site documentation - see CLMVN-142.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.10 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

2013 年 1 月 8 日

This is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven 3.1.8 and earlier versions.


1) The clover2:setup and clover2:instrument goals have new configuration attribute: setTestFailureIgnore. If set to true, Clover will add several properties to the build configuration which disable a build failure for following plugins:

  • maven-surefire-plugin (maven.test.failure.ignore=true)
  • maven-failsafe-plugin (maven.test.failure.ignore=true)
  • maven-checkstyle-plugin (checkstyle.failOnViolation=false)
  • maven-pmd-plugin (pmd.failOnViolation=false)


Thanks to this, a build continues despite test failures or code validation failures and thus it is possible to generate a Clover coverage report for failed tests at the end of the build. Code example is here.

Note: before version 3.1.10 the testFailureIgnore property was set to true for the forked Clover lifecycle ('instrument' goal) for 'test' and 'integration-test' phases. Since 3.1.10 it is no longer set.


2) The clover2:optimize and clover2:optimizeIntegration goals support full include/exclude syntax, which can be handled by maven-surefire-plugin. Two new cases which are handled right now:

(a) multiple paths separated by comma, like:

<include>**/, **/</include>


(b) regular expression instead of Ant-style pattern




Issue list

Reported in CLOV project

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.8 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

2012 年 11 月 13 日

This is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven 3.1.7 and earlier versions.


1) It is possible to define location/name of the dynamically created grover*.jar artifact (used for compilation of Groovy code, by default in or to disable its creation at all.

Issue list

Reported in CLOV project

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for all changes in the Clover product.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.7 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

31 August, 2012

This is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven 3.1.6 and earlier versions.

Reported in CLMVN project

T キー 要約 P

Reported in CLOV project

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for changes in the core Clover product.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.6 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

19 June, 2012

This is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in Clover-for-Maven 3.1.5 and earlier versions.

Reported in CLMVN project

T キー 要約 P

Reported in CLOV project

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度


Jira でこれらの課題を表示する

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for changes in the core Clover product.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.5 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

25 April, 2012

Clover 3.1.5 for Maven 2 and 3 is a bugfix release that addresses issues found in 3.1.4.

T キー 要約 P

Please see also the Clover-for-Ant Changelog.

Changes in the Clover 3.1.4 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

27 February, 2012

Clover 3.1.4 for Maven 2 and 3 is a bugfix release that addresses issues find in 3.1.3.

T キー 要約 P

Please also see the Clover-for-Ant Changelog

Changes in the Clover 3.1.3 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

17 January, 2012

Clover 3.1.3 for Maven 2 and 3 is a bugfix release that addresses issues find in 3.1.2.

T キー 要約 P

Please also see the Clover-for-Ant Changelog

Changes in the Clover 3.1.2 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

2011 年 11 月 07 日

Clover 3.1.2 for Maven 2 and 3 is a bugfix release that addresses issues find in 3.1.0. 3.1.0 added support for Java 1.7 language features.

T キー 要約 P

Please also see the Clover-for-Ant Changelog

Changes in the Clover 3.1.0 for Maven 2 and 3 plugin

31 May, 2010

Clover 3.1.0 for Maven 2 and 3 is a release that adds support for Java 1.7 language features.

T キー 要約 P



For older versions please see CLOVER030 :: Clover-for-Maven 2 Changelog

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