Could not resolve placeholder localHome
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このナレッジベース記事は製品の Data Center バージョン用に作成されています。Data Center 固有ではない機能の Data Center ナレッジベースは、製品のサーバー バージョンでも動作する可能性はありますが、テストは行われていません。サーバー*製品のサポートは 2024 年 2 月 15 日に終了しました。サーバー製品を利用している場合は、アトラシアンのサーバー製品のサポート終了のお知らせページにて移行オプションをご確認ください。
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Confluence is unable to start due to Lucene index file path is not defined properly in confluence.cfg.xml
原因 1
The following message appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2014-07-06 22:37:01,252 ERROR [main] [ContainerBase.[Standalone].[localhost].[/]] log Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.atlassian.confluence.setup.ConfluenceBootstrappedContextLoaderListener
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Invalid bean definition with name 'luceneConnection' defined in class path resource [indexingSubsystemContext.xml]:
Could not resolve placeholder 'localHome'
In Confluence 5.5 and above, the variable that refers to the Home Directory is "localHome
". However, in earlier versions of Confluence, the variable is "confluenceHome
". It's possible that a configuration file was accidentally copied from a newer version of Confluence to an older one.
原因 2
The following message appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2019-10-30 07:54:51,839 ERROR [Catalina-utility-1] [ContainerBase.[Standalone].[localhost].[/]] log Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class [com.atlassian.confluence.setup.ConfluenceBootstrappedContextLoaderListener]
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Invalid bean definition with name 'tenantedLuceneConnection' defined in class path resource [indexingSubsystemContext.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'lucene.index.dir' in value "${lucene.index.dir}"; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'lucene.index.dir' in value "${lucene.index.dir}"
The index path is missing in confluence.cfg.xml
ソリューション 1
- Confluence を終了します。
- Open
in a text editor - Use your text editor to find all instances of
and replace them withconfluenceHome
Here's a property in
that was showing the incorrect value:<property name="lucene.index.dir">${localHome}/index</property>
After performing the replacement, it should read like this:
<property name="lucene.index.dir">${confluenceHome}/index</property>
After making changes to the file, save it, then How to Rebuild the Content Indexes From Scratch on Confluence Server.
Check if the error will persists.
ソリューション 2
- Confluence を終了します。
- Open
in a text editor Add the following property in
if it was missing or is improperly defined:<property name="lucene.index.dir">${localHome}/index</property>
After making changes to the file, save it, then How to Rebuild the Content Indexes From Scratch on Confluence Server.
Confluence を再起動します。
Note: On a newly created instance, Backing up and Removing the Confluence Home Folder would help to recreate the directory and resolve this issue.