Clover Resources
Resources for Evaluators
Resources for Administrators
- Atlassian Answers - a quick way to find answers for common problems
- @cloverallover - an unofficial developer tweet about Clover. You will get notifications about new Clover releases, features, tips & tricks etc.
- @atlassiandev - the Atlassian Developer Relations Team tweet.
- @AtlDevTools - a Dev Tools Guru - follow to receive updates on Atlassian Developer Tools - FishEye, Crucible & Bamboo - including news, tips, and answers to your questions.
- Atlassian Support - raising a support ticket
- サポート ポリシー
- Issue Tracker and Feature Requests for Clover - bugs, features, development road map, release notes
Downloadable Documentation
- Clover documentation in PDF, HTML or XML formats - generated for every feature release
- Clover Development Hub - guides how to develop Clover integrations with other tools
- Atlassian Marketplace - search for Clover-related plug-ins for Atlassian tool suite
Mailing Lists
- テクニカル アラート、製品発表資料、開発者更新情報などのアトラシアン製品に関連するメーリング リストにサインアップするには、 をご確認ください。
最終更新日 2016 年 7 月 14 日
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